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Version: 0.7.0 Type: application AppVersion:

The Pact Broker is an application for sharing for Pact contracts and verification results.


helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add pact-broker

helm install pact-broker pact-broker/pact-broker


The Pact Broker Chart is available in the following formats:

Installing from Chart Repository

The following command can be used to add the chart repository:

helm repo add pact-broker

Once the chart has been added, install one of the available charts:

helm install pact-broker pact-broker/pact-broker

Installing from an OCI Registry

Charts are also available in OCI format. The list of available charts can be found here.

Install one of the available charts:

helm upgrade -i <release_name> oci:// --version=<version>

Source Code


Repository Name Version common 1.x.x postgresql 11.x.x


Key Description Type Default
broker.affinity Pact Broker Affinity object {}
broker.annotations Additional annotations that can be added to the Broker deployment object {}
broker.config.allowDangerousContractModification Whether or not to allow the pact content for an existing consumer version to be modified. It is strongly recommended that this is set to false, as allowing modification makes the results of can-i-deploy unreliable. bool false
broker.config.allowMissingMigrationFiles If true, will not raise an error if a database migration is recorded in the database that does not have an equivalent file in the codebase. If this is true, an older version of the code may be used with a newer version of the database, however, data integrity issues may occur. bool true
broker.config.autoDetectMainBranch When true and a pacticipant version is created with a tag or a branch that matches one of the names in main_branch_candidates, the mainBranch property is set for that pacticipant if it is not already set. bool true
broker.config.autoMigrateDb Whether or not to run the database schema migrations on start up. It is recommended to set this to true. bool true
broker.config.autoMigrateDbData Whether or not to run the database data migrations on start up. It is recommended to set this to true. bool true
broker.config.badgeProviderMode The method by which the badges are generated. Allowed values: redirect, proxy string "redirect"
broker.config.baseUrls Base URLs can be configured for architectures that use gateways or proxies that allow the same Pact Broker instance to be addressed with different base URLs. The application may run correctly without this attribute, however, it is strongly recommended to set it when deploying the Pact Broker to production as it prevents cache poisoning security vulnerabilities string nil
broker.config.basicAuth.allowPublicRead Set to true if you want public read access, but still require credentials for writing. bool false
broker.config.basicAuth.enablePublicBadgeAccess Set this to true to allow status badges to be embedded in README files without requiring a hardcoded password. bool false
broker.config.basicAuth.enabled Set to true if you basic authentication to be enabled bool false
broker.config.basicAuth.publicHeartbeat Set to true if you want the heartbeat endpoint to be publicly accessible. This will have to be true if you have enabled basic auth. bool true
broker.config.basicAuth.readUser.existingSecret Name of an existing Kubernetes secret containing credentials to access the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.readUser.existingSecretPasswordKey The key to which holds the value of the password within the existingSecret string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.readUser.existingSecretUsernameKey The key to which holds the value of the username within the existingSecret string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.readUser.password Password for read access to the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.readUser.username Username for read access to the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.writeUser.existingSecret Name of an existing Kubernetes secret containing credentials to access the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.writeUser.existingSecretPasswordKey The key to which holds the value of the password within the existingSecret string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.writeUser.existingSecretUsernameKey The key to which holds the value of the username within the existingSecret string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.writeUser.password Password for write access to the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.basicAuth.writeUser.username Username for write access to the Pact Broker string ""
broker.config.checkForPotentialDuplicatePacticipantNames When a pact is published, the consumer, provider and consumer version resources are automatically created. To prevent a pacticipant (consumer or provider) being created multiple times with slightly different name variants (eg. FooBar/foo-bar/foo bar/Foo Bar Service), a check is performed to determine if a new pacticipant name is likely to be a duplicate of any existing applications. If it is deemed similar enough to an existing name, a 409 will be returned. bool true
broker.config.createDeployedVersionsForTags When true and a tag is created, if there is an environment with the name of the newly created tag, a deployed version is also created for the pacticipant version. bool true
broker.config.databaseClean.cronSchedule Set to a cron schedule that will run when your Broker is under the least operational load. string "15 2 * * *"
broker.config.databaseClean.deletionLimit The maximum number of records to delete at a time for each of the removable data categories. int 500
broker.config.databaseClean.dryRun Defaults to false. Set to true to see the output of what would have been deleted if the task had run. bool false
broker.config.databaseClean.enabled Set to true to enable the automatic data clean up. bool false
broker.config.databaseClean.keepVersionSelectors A JSON string containing a list of the "keep" selectors. string "[{ \"max_age\": 180 }]"
broker.config.databaseClean.overwrittenDataMaxAge The maximum number of days to keep "overwritten" data. int 90
broker.config.databaseConnectMaxRetries Setting the max retries to a non-zero number will allow it to retry the connection the configured number of times, waiting 3 seconds between attempts. int 0
broker.config.databaseConnectionValidationTimeout int 3600
broker.config.databaseMaxConnections The maximum size of the connection pool (4 connections by default on most databases) int 4
broker.config.databasePoolTimeout The number of seconds to wait if a connection cannot be acquired before raising an error int 5
broker.config.databaseSslmode The Postgresql ssl mode. Allowed values: disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full string "prefer"
broker.config.databaseStatementTimeout The number of seconds after which an SQL query will be aborted. Only supported for Postgresql connections. int 15
broker.config.disable_ssl If set to true, SSL verification will be disabled for the HTTP requests made by the webhooks bool false
broker.config.enableDiagnosticEndpoints Whether or not to enable the diagnostic endpoints at /diagnostic/status/heartbeat and "diagnostic/status/dependencies bool true
broker.config.features A list of features to enable in the Pact Broker for beta testing before public release. string nil
broker.config.hidePactflowMessages Set to true to hide the messages in the logs about Pactflow bool true
broker.config.httpDebugLoggingEnabled Enable this setting to print the entire request and response to the logs at debug level. Do not leave this on permanently, as it will have performance and security issues. Ensure the application log_level is set to debug when this setting is enabled. bool false
broker.config.logFormat The application log format. Can be any value supported by Semantic Logger. Allowed values: default, json, color string "default"
broker.config.logLevel The application log level Allowed values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal string "info"
broker.config.mainBranchCandidates An array of potential main branch names used when automatically detecting the main branch for a pacticipant. string "develop main master"
broker.config.metricsSqlStatementTimeout The number of seconds after which the SQL queries used for the metrics endpoint will be aborted. This is configurable separately from the standard database_statement_timeout as it may need to be significantly longer than the desired value for standard queries. int 30
broker.config.pactContentDiffTimeout The maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt to generate the diff between two pacts before aborting the request. int 15
broker.config.shieldsIoBaseUrl The URL of the server used to generate the README badges. string ""
broker.config.sqlEnableCallerLogging When enabled it logs source path that caused SQL query. bool false
broker.config.sqlLogLevel The log level that will be used when the SQL query statements are logged. Allowed values: none, debug, info, warn, error, fatal string "none"
broker.config.sqlLogWarnDuration The number of seconds after which to log an SQL query at warn level. Use this for detecting slow queries. int 5
broker.config.useFirstTagAsBranch When true, the first tag applied to a version within the use_first_tag_as_branch_time_limit (10 seconds) will be used to populate the branch property of the version. bool true
broker.config.useHalBrowser Whether or not to enable the embedded HAL Browser. bool true
broker.config.webhookHostWhitelist A list of hosts, network ranges, or host regular expressions. string nil
broker.config.webhookHttpCodeSuccess If webhook call returns the response with an HTTP code that is listed in the success codes then the operation is considered a success, otherwise the webhook will be re-triggered based on the webhook_retry_schedule configuration. string "200 201 202 203 204 205 206"
broker.config.webhookHttpMethodWhitelist The allowed HTTP methods for webhooks. It is highly recommended that only POST requests are allowed to ensure that webhooks cannot be used to retrieve sensitive information from hosts within the same network. string "POST"
broker.config.webhookRetrySchedule The schedule of seconds to wait between webhook execution attempts. The default schedule is 10 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min (38 minutes in total). string "10 60 120 300 600 1200"
broker.config.webhookSchemeWhitelist The allowed URL schemes for webhooks. string "https"
broker.containerPorts.http http port int 9292
broker.containerPorts.https http port int 8443
broker.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Pact Broker containers' Security Context bool true
broker.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Pact Broker container's Security Context runAsNonRoot bool true
broker.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Pact Broker container's Security Context runAsUser int 1001
broker.labels Additional labels that can be added to the Broker deployment object {}
broker.livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Pact Broker containers bool true
broker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe int 3
broker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe int 300
broker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe int 1
broker.livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe int 1
broker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe int 5
broker.nodeSelector Pact Broker Node Selector object {}
broker.podSecurityContext.enabled Enable Pact Broker pods' Security Context bool true
broker.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Pact Broker pod's Security Context fsGroup int 1001
broker.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Pact Broker containers bool true
broker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe int 3
broker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe int 30
broker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe int 10
broker.readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe int 1
broker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe int 1
broker.replicaCount Number of Pact Broker replicas to deploy int 1
broker.resources.limits.cpu string "2500m"
broker.resources.limits.memory string "1024Mi"
broker.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
broker.resources.requests.memory string "512Mi"
broker.revisionHistoryLimit Number of Deployment Revisions to set int 10
broker.tolerations Pact Broker Tolerations list []
broker.volumeMounts list []
broker.volumes list []
externalDatabase.config.adapter Database engine to use. Only allowed values are postgres or sqlite. More info here string ""
externalDatabase.config.auth.existingSecret Name of an existing Kubernetes secret containing the database credentials string ""
externalDatabase.config.auth.existingSecretPasswordKey The key to which the password will be stored under within existing secret. string "user-password"
externalDatabase.config.auth.password Password for the non-root username for the Pact Broker string ""
externalDatabase.config.auth.username Non-root username for the Pact Broker string ""
externalDatabase.config.databaseName External database name string "" Database host string ""
externalDatabase.config.port Database port number string ""
externalDatabase.enabled Switch to enable or disable the externalDatabase connection bool false
image.pullPolicy Specify a imagePullPolicy Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent' more info here string "IfNotPresent"
image.pullSecrets Array of imagePullSecrets to allow pulling the Pact Broker image from private registries. PS: Secret's must exist in the namespace to which you deploy the Pact Broker. more info here Example: pullSecrets: - mySecretName list []
image.registry Pact Broker image registry string ""
image.repository Pact Broker image repository string "pactfoundation/pact-broker"
image.tag Pact Broker image tag (immutable tags are recommended) string ""
ingress.annotations ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource object {}
ingress.className ingress.className Name of the IngressClass cluster resource which defines which controller will implement the resource (e.g nginx) string ""
ingress.enabled ingress.enabled Enable the creation of the ingress resource bool true host Hostname to be used to expose the route to access the Pact Broker string ""
ingress.tls.enabled ingress.tls.enabled Enable TLS configuration for the host defined at parameter bool false
ingress.tls.secretName ingress.tls.secretName The name to which the TLS Secret will be called string ""
postgresql.architecture PostgreSQL architecture (standalone or replication) string "standalone"
postgresql.auth.database Name for a custom database to create string "bitnami_broker"
postgresql.auth.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials string ""
postgresql.auth.password Password for the custom user to create string ""
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey The key in which Postgres well look for, for the admin password, in the existing Secret string "admin-password"
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.replicationPasswordKey The key in which Postgres well look for, for the replication password, in the existing Secret string "replication-password"
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey The key in which Postgres well look for, for the user password, in the existing Secret string "user-password"
postgresql.auth.username Name for a custom user to create string "bn_broker"
postgresql.enabled Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart bool true
service.clusterIP Pact Broker service clusterIP string ""
service.loadBalancerIP Pact Broker Service loadBalancerIP string ""
service.nodePorts.http http nodePort string ""
service.nodePorts.https https nodePort string ""
service.ports.http Pact service HTTP port int 80
service.ports.https Pact service HTTPS port int 443
service.type Kubernetes service type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations Additional custom annotations for the ServiceAccount. object {}
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Auto-mount the service account token in the pod bool true
serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Pact Broker pods bool true
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets Name of image pull secrets that should be attached to the service account list []
serviceAccount.labels Additional custom labels to the service ServiceAccount. object {} Name of the created ServiceAccount If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated string "broker-sa"

Configuration and Installation Details

Configuring Chart PostgreSQL

With the Pact Broker Helm Chart, it bundles together the Pact Broker and a Bitnami PostgreSQL database - this can be enabled by switching postgresql.enabled to true (it is true by default). If switched on, the Helm Chart, on deployment, will automatically deploy a PostgreSQL instance and configure it with the credentials you specify. There are multiple ways of doing this that will be detailed below.

Automatic Database Credential Creation

This is the easiest of the configuration options. Here, the credentials for both the Admin and Database user will be automatically generated and put into a Kubernetes secret. This then will be automatically used by the Pact Broker. For this, ensure the following happens:

  • Keep postgresql.auth.existingSecret & postgresql.auth.password empty.

Specifying Password for PostgreSQL to Use

Here, you can specify the password that you want PostgreSQL to use for it's Database User (The user that the Pact Broker will use to connect to the database). For this, ensure the following happens:

  • Keep the postgresql.auth.existingSecret empty.
  • Set the postgresql.auth.password to the value that you want the User password to be.

NOTE: Be careful and mindful that the value you provide here is done in a secure way.

Specifying Existing Secret for PostgreSQL to Use

Here, you can specify an existing Kubernetes secret that you have created that contains the Password that you want PostgreSQL to use. The secret has to be in the same namespace as where you are deploying the Helm Chart. For this, ensure the following happens:

  • Create the Kubernetes secret with the Password inside.
  • Set postgresql.auth.existingSecret to the name of the Secret
  • PostgreSQL by default will look for the relevant Password keys that are set by default here postgresql.auth.secretKeys. So make sure that the Keys in the Secret match the default secretKeys values. More information here
  • For example, if you want PostgreSQL to use an existing Secret called my-user-secret that has the User password that you want to use inside it. Make sure that you create a Key inside that secret called user-password (this key can be found here postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey). i.e. user-password=Password123.

Configuring External Database

If you want to use an external database with your Pact Broker, switch the externalDatabase.enabled flag to true and the postgresql.enabled to false.

The configuring of the, externalDatabase.config.port, externalDatabase.config.adapter and externalDatabase.config.databaseName should be pretty straight forward. The credential configuration however has two methods of configuration.

Specify Credentials via Values

Configure the Pact Broker by using the username credential that you configure via the externalDatabase.config.auth.username value and the password via the externalDatabase.config.auth.password value.

NOTE: Be careful and mindful that the values you provide here is done in a secure way.

Specify Credentials via Secret

Configure the Pact Broker to use an existing Secret to retrieve the user password as a means to connect to the database. Ensure that the Kubernetes Secret has the password in the user-password field and ensure that you have set externalDatabase.config.auth.existingSecret value to the name of the secret. To configure the username, you can use the username value.