Here you can find my dotfiles. These are personal but you can probably find things that may interest you. Everything here works or intends to works with the BÉPO keyboard layout. A french ergonomic (Dvorak way) keyboard layout.
The rice is not finished, and some stuff could probably work in a better way … but I'm still learning.
This is how it actually not looks like
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- urxvt (rxvt-unicode)
- neovim
- bash (vi mode in BÉPO)
- qutebrowser
- ranger
- mutt / msmtp / offlineimap
- newsboat
- calcurse
- zathura
- mpd & ncmpcpp
- mpv
- redshift
- compton
- dunst
- neofetch
- some scripts
- few fonts that I use
And more to come!
qutebrowser, Blender, qBittorent, compton, pywal, mpv, zathura, feh, dmenu, arandr, ranger, neomutt, newsboat, calcurse, ncmpcpp, mpd, htop, weechat, homeshick, lxappearance, dunst, notify-send, pass…