This repo holds the actual (well not yet..) articles for my personal blog. Wheat is used as a blog engine which is based on git filefilesystem and written to run in node.js
Even though the wheat engine used is held in this repo, most of wheat dependencies are not. Just run:
npm install wheat
which will take care of that for us. Wheat is nicely packaged.
And then
node app.js
Slight changes were made to wheat in there to allow the definition of several themes in skin/ directory.
Each theme now has its dedicated repertory that contains all of its haml template & public files (css/js, favicon and so on.).
Wheat can be set up to use a specific theme when requiring and invoking wheat, usually done in the app.js file.
var Connect = require('connect');
module.exports = Connect.createServer(
require('wheat')(__dirname, {theme: 'themeroller'})
Just change the value of the theme configuration options to match a correct theme in the skin/ directory.
Default & themeroller themes are set up as git submodules.
To bring them up, just init & update theme using the following command:
git submodule update --init
- Boilerplate theme: A default theme (skin/default) brings the basic markup and structure followed by html5 boilerplate in a blank theme.
- Themeroller theme: You could also find a simple themeroller theme that uses the jQuery UI CSS framework (just some header/content markup), firstly to act as a simple example of building its own theme, secondly because I love the the jQuery UI CSS Framework.
- Harmonious theme: This wheat theme is called Harmonious mainly due to its special banner that makes use of Mr Doob's Harmony application. It also have some fancy css3 animations and use of the new HTML5 History API, directly inspired by the new GitHub TreeSlider.
- Wheat: MIT License
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- DD_belatedPNG: MIT license
- YUI Profiling: BSD license
- HTML5Doctor CSS reset: Creative Commons 3.0 BY
- CSS Reset Reloaded: Public Domain