Using OpenSSL.
Generate a private key for the CA:
openssl genrsa -out ./certs/ca.key 2048
Create a self-signed root certificate:
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ./certs/ca.key -sha256 -days 365 -out ./certs/ca.crt
Generate a private key for the server:
openssl genrsa -out ./certs/server.key 2048
Create a certificate signing request (CSR) for the server:
openssl req -new -key ./certs/server.key -out ./certs/server.csr
Sign the server certificate with the CA:
openssl x509 -req -in ./certs/server.csr -CA ./certs/ca.crt -CAkey ./certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out ./certs/server.crt -days 365 -sha256
Generate a private key for the client:
openssl genrsa -out ./certs/client.key 2048
Create a certificate signing request (CSR) for the client:
openssl req -new -key ./certs/client.key -out ./certs/client.csr
Sign the client certificate with the CA:
openssl x509 -req -in ./certs/client.csr -CA ./certs/ca.crt -CAkey ./certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out ./certs/client.crt -days 365 -sha256
I will build multi-platform image to be able to run it on Linux machine.
This requires a special builder with docker-container
driver. If you don't have one, create and activate it:
docker buildx create --name container-builder --driver docker-container --use --bootstrap
Or if you already have one, just activate it:
docker buildx use container-builder
Login docker:
echo $YC_IAM_TOKEN | docker login --username iam --password-stdin
Build and push an image to the registry:
docker build -t $POSTGRES_IMAGE \
--load \
--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-f ./docker/postgresql/Dockerfile
docker push $POSTGRES_IMAGE
Source file with all required environment variables including values for terraform variables (which are start with TF_VAR_*
cd ./deploy
Initialize terraform:
terraform init
Optionally validate configurations:
terraform validate
Create resources:
terraform apply
Show terraform outputs:
terraform output
Set those output values as env variables:
export VM_MASTER_EXT_IP=$(terraform output -json | jq -r '.["vm-master-external-ip"].value') \
&& export VM_REPLICA_1_EXT_IP=$(terraform output -json | jq -r '.["vm-replica-1-external-ip"].value')
Get serial port output of deployed virtual machines to make sure that everything is correct:
yc compute instance get-serial-port-output --name postgresql-master
Login on the host:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/dev-hosts yc-user@$VM_MASTER_EXT_IP
Attach to the container:
docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash
In the /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
file, enter the hosts to which replication will be performed. In this example, we will use one host that is on the same cloud network.
Open file:
vim /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
Add the followings configurations:
hostssl all all md5
hostssl all replication md5
- internal IP of the replica host with a subnet mask, that we can get from terraform output
Change the logging level for the WAL.
In the /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
file, find the line with the wal_level
setting, uncomment it if necessary and set it to logical
vim /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
wal_level = logical
Restart docker container:
docker restart postgres
Check the container logs:
docker logs --tail 20 postgres
poetry env use (which python3)
poetry install
Activate python environment:
poetry shell
Set env variable with master host external IP:
Execute table DDL:
python src/
Generate and insert generated data into master database:
python src/ --tasks=4 --amount=100000
Login on the replica host.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/dev-hosts yc-user@$VM_REPLICA_1_EXT_IP
Execute pg_dump
command to dump schema of source database.
pg_dump -h \
-U postgres \
-p 15432 \
--schema-only \
--no-privileges \
--no-subscriptions \
-d db -Fd -f /tmp/db_dump
You will be prompt to enter a password.
Restore this schema:
pg_restore -Fd -v \
--single-transaction \
-s --no-privileges \
-h localhost \
-U postgres \
-p 5432 \
-d db /tmp/db_dump
In the master database create publication:
In the replica create subscription:
CONNECTION 'host= port=15432 user=postgres password= sslmode=require dbname=db'
PUBLICATION migration;
- internal IP of the master host, that we can get fromterraform output
command as well.port=15432
- exposed docker port
Replication statistics on the source host:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication;
On the target host:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;
SELECT * FROM pg_subscription;
SELECT * FROM pg_publication;
SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;