Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems.
A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
Free English to Chinese Dictionary Database
A SQL IDE and UI for NeoVim written in Lua. Inspired by vim-dadbod vim-dadbod-ui.
illuminate.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
💻 Neovim setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.
Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management
Interactive Redis: A Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
Lua plugin to turn github copilot into a cmp source
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
Catalyze your Fenced Markdown Code-block editing!
A modular SQL linter and auto-formatter with support for multiple dialects and templated code.
Neovim plugin adding support for the Drools Rule Language (DRL).
Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures
🌿 📖 plantuml diagrams in your markdown
💼 Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings
The superior project management solution for neovim.
Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort