With the use of Angular 6 and the library support of the Angular CLI I've created this repository to provide a (one of many) solution to the dynamic module loading during run-time.
One of the sources guiding me can be found here; https://github.com/kirjs/angular-dynamic-module-loading.
Clone or download this repository;
Navigate to the folder and install all dependencies;
npm install
By default I've added the UMD bundles from ModuleA, ModuleB, ModuleC and ModuleD. Also modules A and C are registered by default. This means they will get loaded when the app gets initialized.
When you want to make updates to one of the existing modules you can just update the source files in 'projects/(moduletoedit)/src/lib' and rebuilding that specific module with the Angular CLI;
ng build (module/libraryName)
After build you're able to replace the contents of that module in the 'assets' folder in either the dist folder or on the hosted environment. If you've added new dependencies like third party libraries and want to use them in the library. Make sure to update the 'modules' array in the module.service.ts and recompile.
When you want to add a new library/module please make use of the Angular CLI command;
ng generate library (libraryName)
Edit the modules.json file with the correct module information and also make sure to have the RouterModule.forChild([]) configuration done in the module of the library.
In the original source you'll find an example to load up component dynamically and instantiate them in a ViewChild instead of extending the Router.
Now build the module with
ng build LibraryName
and copy the umd bundle to the 'assets' folder.
The app now supports AOT compilation by typing;
ng build --aot
Next to that I've changed the use of eval to the use of SystemJS to load the modules.
For the application I've used https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server which let your application run on port 8080 by default. After install you're able to run this application locally
npm install -g http-server
http-server ./dist/angular-dynamic-demo
- Angular 6 uses RxJs 6. Install rxjs-compat before you can make use of the rxjs operators; shlomiassaf/ngx-modialog#426
- This demo makes use of eval(). Something that is not really recommended to use due to security risks. Still a safe way is provided to make use of eval();https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=JavaScript_Closure_Within_Eval&setlang=en
- Lazy Loading is not yet possible within the libraries as no chunk files are generated for the lazy loaded modules.