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add face3d
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yfeng95 committed Jul 17, 2018
1 parent 7a2298a commit 2d3d7d0
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Showing 18 changed files with 10,817 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions face3d/mesh/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from . import io
from . import vis
from . import transform
from . import light
from . import render

106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions face3d/mesh/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

## TODO: c++ version
def read_obj(obj_name):
''' read mesh
return 0

# ------------------------- write
def write_asc(path, vertices):
vertices: shape = (nver, 3)
if path.split('.')[-1] == 'asc':
np.savetxt(path, vertices)
np.savetxt(path + '.asc', vertices)

def write_obj_with_colors(obj_name, vertices, colors, triangles):
''' Save 3D face model
obj_name: str
vertices: shape = (nver, 3)
colors: shape = (nver, 3)
triangles: shape = (ntri, 3)
triangles = triangles.copy()
triangles += 1 # meshlab start with 1

if obj_name.split('.')[-1] != 'obj':
obj_name = obj_name + '.obj'

# write obj
with open(obj_name, 'w') as f:

# write vertices & colors
for i in range(vertices.shape[0]):
# s = 'v {} {} {} \n'.format(vertices[0,i], vertices[1,i], vertices[2,i])
s = 'v {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(vertices[i, 0], vertices[i, 1], vertices[i, 2], colors[i, 0], colors[i, 1], colors[i, 2])

# write f: ver ind/ uv ind
[k, ntri] = triangles.shape
for i in range(triangles.shape[0]):
# s = 'f {} {} {}\n'.format(triangles[i, 0], triangles[i, 1], triangles[i, 2])
s = 'f {} {} {}\n'.format(triangles[i, 2], triangles[i, 1], triangles[i, 0])

## TODO: c++ version
def write_obj_with_texture(obj_name, vertices, colors, triangles, texture, uv_coords):
''' Save 3D face model with texture.
obj_name: str
vertices: shape = (nver, 3)
colors: shape = (nver, 3)
triangles: shape = (ntri, 3)
texture: shape = (256,256,3)
uv_coords: shape = (nver, 3) max value<=1
if obj_name.split('.')[-1] != 'obj':
obj_name = obj_name + '.obj'
mtl_name = obj_name.replace('.obj', '.mtl')
texture_name = obj_name.replace('.obj', '_texture.png')

triangles = triangles.copy()
triangles += 1 # mesh lab start with 1

# write obj
with open(obj_name, 'w') as f:
# first line: write mtlib(material library)
s = "mtllib {}\n".format(os.path.abspath(mtl_name))

# write vertices
for i in range(vertices.shape[0]):
s = 'v {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(vertices[i, 0], vertices[i, 1], vertices[i, 2], colors[i, 0], colors[i, 1], colors[i, 2])

# write uv coords
for i in range(uv_coords.shape[0]):
s = 'vt {} {}\n'.format(uv_coords[i,0], 1 - uv_coords[i,1])

f.write("usemtl FaceTexture\n")

# write f: ver ind/ uv ind
for i in range(triangles.shape[0]):
# s = 'f {}/{} {}/{} {}/{}\n'.format(triangles[i,0], triangles[i,0], triangles[i,1], triangles[i,1], triangles[i,2], triangles[i,2])
s = 'f {}/{} {}/{} {}/{}\n'.format(triangles[i,2], triangles[i,2], triangles[i,1], triangles[i,1], triangles[i,0], triangles[i,0])

# write mtl
with open(mtl_name, 'w') as f:
f.write("newmtl FaceTexture\n")
s = 'map_Kd {}\n'.format(os.path.abspath(texture_name)) # map to image

# write texture as png
imsave(texture_name, texture)
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions face3d/mesh/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Functions about lighting mesh(changing colors/texture of mesh).
1. add light to colors/texture (shade each vertex)
2. fit light according to colors/texture & image.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

def get_normal(vertices, triangles):
''' calculate normal direction in each vertex
vertices: [nver, 3]
triangles: [ntri, 3]
normal: [nver, 3]
pt0 = vertices[triangles[:, 0], :] # [ntri, 3]
pt1 = vertices[triangles[:, 1], :] # [ntri, 3]
pt2 = vertices[triangles[:, 2], :] # [ntri, 3]
tri_normal = np.cross(pt0 - pt1, pt0 - pt2) # [ntri, 3]. normal of each triangle

normal = np.zeros_like(vertices) # [nver, 3]
for i in range(triangles.shape[0]):
normal[triangles[i, 0], :] = normal[triangles[i, 0], :] + tri_normal[i, :]
normal[triangles[i, 1], :] = normal[triangles[i, 1], :] + tri_normal[i, :]
normal[triangles[i, 2], :] = normal[triangles[i, 2], :] + tri_normal[i, :]

# normalize to unit length
mag = np.sum(normal**2, 1) # [nver]
zero_ind = (mag == 0)
mag[zero_ind] = 1;
normal[zero_ind, 0] = np.ones((np.sum(zero_ind)))

normal = normal/np.sqrt(mag[:,np.newaxis])

return normal

# TODO: test
def add_light_sh(vertices, triangles, colors, sh_coeff):
In 3d face, usually assume:
1. The surface of face is Lambertian(reflect only the low frequencies of lighting)
2. Lighting can be an arbitrary combination of point sources
--> can be expressed in terms of spherical harmonics(omit the lighting coefficients)
I = albedo * (sh(n) x sh_coeff)
albedo: n x 1
sh_coeff: 9 x 1
Y(n) = (1, n_x, n_y, n_z, n_xn_y, n_xn_z, n_yn_z, n_x^2 - n_y^2, 3n_z^2 - 1)': n x 9
# Y(n) = (1, n_x, n_y, n_z)': n x 4
vertices: [nver, 3]
triangles: [ntri, 3]
colors: [nver, 3] albedo
sh_coeff: [9, 1] spherical harmonics coefficients
lit_colors: [nver, 3]
assert vertices.shape[0] == colors.shape[0]
nver = vertices.shape[0]
normal = get_normal(vertices, triangles) # [nver, 3]
sh = np.array((np.ones(nver), n[:,0], n[:,1], n[:,2], n[:,0]*n[:,1], n[:,0]*n[:,2], n[:,1]*n[:,2], n[:,0]**2 - n[:,1]**2, 3*(n[:,2]**2) - 1)) # [nver, 9]
ref = #[nver, 1]
lit_colors = colors*ref
return lit_colors

def add_light(vertices, triangles, colors, light_positions = 0, light_intensities = 0):
''' Gouraud shading. add point lights.
In 3d face, usually assume:
1. The surface of face is Lambertian(reflect only the low frequencies of lighting)
2. Lighting can be an arbitrary combination of point sources
3. No specular (unless skin is oil, 23333)
vertices: [nver, 3]
triangles: [ntri, 3]
light_positions: [nlight, 3]
light_intensities: [nlight, 3]
lit_colors: [nver, 3]
nver = vertices.shape[0]
normals = get_normal(vertices, triangles) # [nver, 3]

# ambient
# La = ka*Ia

# diffuse
# Ld = kd*(I/r^2)max(0, nxl)
direction_to_lights = vertices[np.newaxis, :, :] - light_positions[:, np.newaxis, :] # [nlight, nver, 3]
direction_to_lights_n = np.sqrt(np.sum(direction_to_lights**2, axis = 2)) # [nlight, nver]
direction_to_lights = direction_to_lights/direction_to_lights_n[:, :, np.newaxis]
normals_dot_lights = normals[np.newaxis, :, :]*direction_to_lights # [nlight, nver, 3]
normals_dot_lights = np.sum(normals_dot_lights, axis = 2) # [nlight, nver]
diffuse_output = colors[np.newaxis, :, :]*normals_dot_lights[:, :, np.newaxis]*light_intensities[:, np.newaxis, :]
diffuse_output = np.sum(diffuse_output, axis = 0) # [nver, 3]

# specular
# h = (v + l)/(|v + l|) bisector
# Ls = ks*(I/r^2)max(0, nxh)^p
# increasing p narrows the reflectionlob

lit_colors = diffuse_output # only diffuse part here.
lit_colors = np.minimum(np.maximum(lit_colors, 0), 1)
return lit_colors

## TODO. estimate light(sh coeff)
## -------------------------------- estimate. can not use now.
def fit_light(image, vertices, colors, triangles, vis_ind, lamb = 10, max_iter = 3):
[h, w, c] = image.shape

# surface normal
norm = get_normal(vertices, triangles)

nver = vertices.shape[1]

# vertices --> corresponding image pixel
pt2d = vertices[:2, :]

pt2d[0,:] = np.minimum(np.maximum(pt2d[0,:], 0), w - 1)
pt2d[1,:] = np.minimum(np.maximum(pt2d[1,:], 0), h - 1)
pt2d = np.round(pt2d).astype(np.int32) # 2 x nver

image_pixel = image[pt2d[1,:], pt2d[0,:], :] # nver x 3
image_pixel = image_pixel.T # 3 x nver

# vertices --> corresponding mean texture pixel with illumination
# Spherical Harmonic Basis
harmonic_dim = 9
nx = norm[0,:];
ny = norm[1,:];
nz = norm[2,:];
harmonic = np.zeros((nver, harmonic_dim))

pi = np.pi
harmonic[:,0] = np.sqrt(1/(4*pi)) * np.ones((nver,));
harmonic[:,1] = np.sqrt(3/(4*pi)) * nx;
harmonic[:,2] = np.sqrt(3/(4*pi)) * ny;
harmonic[:,3] = np.sqrt(3/(4*pi)) * nz;
harmonic[:,4] = 1/2. * np.sqrt(3/(4*pi)) * (2*nz**2 - nx**2 - ny**2);
harmonic[:,5] = 3 * np.sqrt(5/(12*pi)) * (ny*nz);
harmonic[:,6] = 3 * np.sqrt(5/(12*pi)) * (nx*nz);
harmonic[:,7] = 3 * np.sqrt(5/(12*pi)) * (nx*ny);
harmonic[:,8] = 3/2. * np.sqrt(5/(12*pi)) * (nx*nx - ny*ny);

I' = sum(albedo * lj * hj) j = 0:9 (albedo = tex)
set A = albedo*h (n x 9)
alpha = lj (9 x 1)
Y = I (n x 1)
Y' =
opt function:
||Y - A*alpha|| + lambda*(alpha'*alpha)
A'*(Y - A*alpha) + lambda*alpha = 0
(A'*A*alpha - lambda)*alpha = A'*Y
left: 9 x 9
right: 9 x 1
n_vis_ind = len(vis_ind)
n = n_vis_ind*c

Y = np.zeros((n, 1))
A = np.zeros((n, 9))
light = np.zeros((3, 1))

for k in range(c):
Y[k*n_vis_ind:(k+1)*n_vis_ind, :] = image_pixel[k, vis_ind][:, np.newaxis]
A[k*n_vis_ind:(k+1)*n_vis_ind, :] = texture[k, vis_ind][:, np.newaxis] * harmonic[vis_ind, :]
Ac = texture[k, vis_ind][:, np.newaxis]
Yc = image_pixel[k, vis_ind][:, np.newaxis]
light[k] = (

for i in range(max_iter):

Yc = Y.copy()
for k in range(c):
Yc[k*n_vis_ind:(k+1)*n_vis_ind, :] /= light[k]

# update alpha
equation_left =, A) + lamb*np.eye(harmonic_dim); # why + ?
equation_right =, Yc)
alpha =, equation_right)

# update light
for k in range(c):
Ac = A[k*n_vis_ind:(k+1)*n_vis_ind, :].dot(alpha)
Yc = Y[k*n_vis_ind:(k+1)*n_vis_ind, :]
light[k] = (

appearance = np.zeros_like(texture)
for k in range(c):
tmp =*texture[k, :][:, np.newaxis], alpha*light[k])
appearance[k,:] = tmp.T

appearance = np.minimum(np.maximum(appearance, 0), 1)

return appearance


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