Kirill Mazur · Gwangbin Bae · Andrew J. Davison
Paper | Video | Project Page
git clone --recursive
cd super_primitive
Setup the environment by running our installation script:
Note that the provided software was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with a single Nvidia RTX 4090.
To download the required checkpoints and datasets, please run our download script:
bash ./
The script will download the pre-trained checkpoints for both SAM and surface normal estimation networks. A replica scene and TUM_fr1 sequences will also be downloaded and unpacked automatically.
N.B. in case of the system CUDA version mismatch you might have to change the pytorch-cuda
version in the installation script.
Run the following script for a minimal example of our SuperPrimitive-based joint pose and geometry estimation. Here, we estimate a relative pose between two frames and the depth of the source frame.
python --config config/replica_sfm_example.yaml
Run our MonoVO on a TUM sequence by executing the following command:
python --config config/tum/odom_desk.yaml --odom
We provide a tool to convert estimated trajectories into the TUM format.
Conversion and subsequent evaluation of the
python --root results/desk_undistort_fin_TIMESTAMP
cd results/desk_undistort_fin_TIMESTAMP
evo_ape tum converted_gt_tum_traj.txt converted_tum_traj.txt -as --plot --plot_mode xy --save_results ./
To download VOID please follow the official instructions.
Please run this script to reproduce the quantitative evaluation of the SuperPrimitive-based depth completion described in the paper:
python --dataset PATH_TO_VOID_DATASET
Our code draws a lot from the DepthCov codebase and we want to give a special thanks to its author.
We additionally thank the authors of the following codebases that made our project possible:
- Bilateral Normal Integration
- Estimating and Exploiting the Aleatoric Uncertainty in Surface Normal Estimation
- Segment Anything
If you found our code/work useful, please consider citing our publication:
title={{SuperPrimitive}: Scene Reconstruction at a Primitive Level},
author={Kirill Mazur and Gwangbin Bae and Andrew Davison},
booktitle={IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},