A bash script to set up port forwarding in iptables
on Linux operating systems automatically and easily,It also supports 6to4
OneClick command to download script:
curl -o epf.sh -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Incognito-Coder/EPF/master/iptables.sh && chmod +x epf.sh
then you must see epf.sh
in your current dir.
bash epf.sh 443,8080,2083,2096 tcp
First arg is your destination server.
Second arg is Specific port,it can be single [443] or array [1234,8745,8585].
Third arg is Protocol mode TCP/UDP pass lowercase string tcp , udp .
this command flush all chain rules in iptables.
./epf.sh flush
u can access to shell based menu with this command
sudo ./epf.sh menu
root@fakemind:~$ sudo ./epf.sh menu
Welcome to Easy Port Forwarder
1) Port Forward 3) Port to Port 5) Remove Rules 7) Restore Rules 9) Print Usage
2) NAT Forward 4) Tunnel 6TO4 6) Save Rules 8) Show Rules 10) Quit
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- Ubuntu|Debian
- CentOS
- ArchLinux
- AlmaLinux