Send your daily PV output to Slack. This app sends you a daily Slack message with your PV output of the previous day and compared to the day before.
You can run this app yourself as well:
- Deploy this app to Heroku
- Set config vars:
- SOLAREDGE_KEY (Your SolarEdge API Key)
- SOLAREDGE_SITE (Your SolarEdge site ID)
- SLACK_WEBHOOK (Slack webhook key)
- CHANNEL (Slack channel you want to post the message in)
- Add the Heroku scheduler add-on
- Configure the Heroku scheduler add-on to run the following rake task every day:
rake daily_post
orrake weekly_post
To send push notifications about your daily output, I used a service called Triggi. This service allows you to easily connect multiple APIs to each other. I used the Triggi Connector to send a push notification to my phone.
- Configure the Heroku scheduler add-on to run the following rake task every day:
rake daily_push_notification
- Download the Triggi app in the appstore and create an account
- Go to and follow the steps to create a connector
- Set config var: TRIGGI_CONNECTOR (This is the private part of the Triggi Connector URL)
- Now, go to the Triggi app and create a new Trigg:
- When: "Connector" is triggered
- Then: Send push notification. As part of the push message you need to pass in the variable "passed value"
- Save Trigg
Based on:
- SolarEdge API:
- SolarEdge gem:
- Slack notifier: