Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest neighbors
Nearest Neighbor Search with Neighborhood Graph and Tree for High-dimensional Data
Graph-structured Indices for Scalable, Fast, Fresh and Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Quantized word vectors that take 8x-16x less space than regular word vectors
A Toolkit for Programming Parallel Algorithms on Shared-Memory Multicore Machines
Fast exact nearest neighbor search in Hamming distance on binary codes with Multi-index hashing
Fast and compact minimal perfect hash functions in C++.
A library of algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor search in high dimensions, along with a set of useful tools for designing such algorithms.
Theoretically Efficient and Practical Parallel DBSCAN
Parameterless and Universal FInding of Nearest Neighbors
A Fast Parallel Algorithm for HDBSCAN* Clustering
Fast search algorithm for product-quantized codes via hash-tables
SetSketch: Filling the Gap between MinHash and HyperLogLog
Approximate Nearest Neighbor search using reduced-rank regression, with extremely fast queries, tiny memory usage, and rapid indexing on modern vector embeddings.
A Benchmark of Minimal Perfect Hash Function Algorithms.
Generate pgfplots or gnuplots from embedded SQL statements
fast kernel evaluation in high dimensions via hashing
HyperLogLogLog: Counting Distinct Elements With One Log More
Count how many bits are set (population count) in C++ using POPCNT via inline assembly and gcc intrinsics (with benchmarks)
C++ implementations of Powersort and 4-way Powersort
Reducing Dimensionality method for Nearest Neighbor Search