Assignment | Language | Description |
HW1 | C++ | Hex game with very basic level AI |
HW2 | C++ | File Save/Load IO for the game |
HW3 | C++ | Using class, inner class and 2D vector for the game |
HW4 | C++ | Using dynamic memory techniques and operator overloading for the game |
HW5 | C++ | To represent the board STL vector , 1D dynamic C array , Adapter class (just like the stack or queue class of the STL) and all OOP techniques for the game |
HW6 | Java | Java Collections hierarchy, generic classes for Collection, Set, List, Queue, which are all interfaces. HashSet, ArrayList and LinkedList are concrete classes created with my Iterator class. |
HW7 | Java | Hex game with GUI using Java Swing |
- Topics of this lesson are; Introduction to C++ programming, C++ Basics, Flow Of Control, Functions, Functions & Parameters and Overloading, Arrays & Pointers and Strings, Classes and Data Abstraction, Method Overriding, Operator Overloading, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism, Templates, Exception Handling, Standard Template Library, Move Semantics, Introduction to Java and comparison with C++.
- Blue won