Creating this Videos App to have better ideas and more practice with React basics and fundamental elements
Kowalski, are you there?
This NASA Videos App originally was supposed to retrieve, display and play videos searched from NASA's Images & Videos API
I had to change this more than halfway through after finding out the the API actually does not provide videos, only video description and
files -
I continued practicing writing basic React elements
This App is quite similar to the NASA Images App
The user can enter a search term and the screen will render a list of images & respective title from the NASA API
What was learned:
- Component design and application structure
- A search form with handlers
- Other event handlers were used,
- Connecting external API(NASA Images & Videos) and request/retrieve/display data
- Used Axios with async await to request data
- Communicate from Child to Parent by invoking callbacks in Child Component
- Some CSS styling, additional use of Semantic UI grid system
is used to update items(VideoList & VideoDetail) with a new search
What this App doesn't do:
- No user auth/id/login/etc
- The data rendered from request doesn't actually have videos to use, I only used provided thumbnail
- SearchBar: Send search term to an App/Parent component which then will actually make the API request
- VideoList: Render entire list of videos(VideoItem)
- VideoItem: One specific video that will be contained in the VideoList
- VideoDetail: Responsible for showing a thumbnail image with a title, center(of item), date creation and description
- App: Has 2 State props(