Software Engineering References
MIT License UpdatedJun 15, 2024 -
microservice Public
📦 Microservice using Spring Boot and Domain-driven design concepts.
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 15, 2024 -
code-reference Public
✏️ References about the programming languages I use and the new ones I'm learning, technologies that interest me and similar ones.
rust-design-patterns Public
😍 Collection of Design Patterns in Rust. In addition to GoF patterns, it also contains patterns like Newtype and RAII Guards.
melchisedech333 Public
Setup for my profile here on GitHub.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 16, 2023 -
youtube-auto-like Public
👍 An extension for Google Chrome, which is for those people who, like me, have the habit of giving a Like to every video they open to watch.
website-blocker Public
🤩 Yaew - Yet Another Extension to block Websites
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 23, 2022 -
resumo-cast Public
📝 Meus resumos do melhor podcast do mundo sobre empreendedorismo e coisas do mercado, o ResumoCast.
2 UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
verilog-experiments Public
👾 My studies with Verilog and notions of digital systems.
elixir-erlang-and-basic-math Public
➗ Playing with Elixir/Erlang and basic math!
Elixir BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
rust-and-basic-math Public
➗ Playing with Rust and basic math!
Rust BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
my-statistics Public
📊 Statistics about my projects.
dados-publicos-cnpj Public
♦️ Application to help download Public Data files made available by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil. -
antlr4-experiments Public
🔧 My studies on context-free grammar, using ANTLR4 (C++) to generate the parser files. Some basics are developed, such as token processing, recursion, variable definition, array processing, Abstrac…
clean-project-landing-page Public
🌍 Landing Page built with Bootstrap, with the aim of being used in small projects (mainly those hosted on Github Pages). Contain areas for entering project and author presentation information.
lex-yacc-experiments Public
🔧 My studies involving context-free grammar analysis. The analyzers were built using familiar tools such as YACC, Lex and Bison. Topics covered include token filtering, simple variable manipulation…
youtube-hidden-notifications Public
🔕 An extension for Google Chrome that aims to hide YouTube notifications. It hides the notification icon at the top of the page, and removes the notification counter from the page title.
youtube-speed-toolbar Public
🚀 An extension for Google Chrome, whose purpose is to control the video speed on YouTube. A floating bar is added to the side of the page, and through it it is possible to control the speed in a ve…
antlr4-demonstration-project Public
🔧 Demonstration of using ANTLR4 (with runtime for C++) in projects for context-free grammar processing. The ANTLR4 (Java) package is included, and the project is configured to compile on Linux.
xor-neural-network Public
🤖 Artificial intelligence (neural network) proof of concept to solve the classic XOR problem. It uses known concepts to solve problems in neural networks, such as Gradient Descent, Feed Forward and…
log-viewer Public
🔨 Solution to receive log and debug messages from applications that do not have access to standard input and output. Like Linux Daemons, fork() processes and any similar application. Messages are s…
wordpress-template Public
💎 Base template for creating WordPress themes. With it, it is possible to have control of the main areas, such as the display of the home page, blog posts, pages and comments.
wordpress-plugin Public
🔌 Plugin to be used as a base project in the creation of Wordpress plugins. It adds a new menu inside the Wordpress Dashboard, and a new area to insert your plugin code.
c-postgresql Public
🐘 Introductory examples for people who want to use PostgreSQL with the C language. In the examples, the most basic operations to manage the database were covered, namely: connecting, creating table…
laser-scanning-microscopy Public
🧪 Reproducing the concept of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope. Using Arduino and easily found materials. Generating images in Grayscale just for fun.
transistor-simulator Public
🔥 This project performs a simulation of N and P-type MOSFET transistors. Next, the creation of logic gates is performed using the simulated transistors. Then, a Half-Adder mechanism is created with…