(AppEngine | Cloud) Datastore wrapper for Go 👉
Simple. Happy. Respect standard library.
$ go get -u go.mercari.io/datastore/v2
see v2 doc at first.
- Wrap
- keep key behavior
- align to
- Re-implement datastore package
- Re-implement datastore.SaveStruct & LoadStruct
- Ignore unmapped property
- Add PropertyTranslator interface
- Convert types like mytime.Unix to time.Time and reverse it
- Rename property like CreatedAt to createdAt or created_at and reverse it
- Re-implement PropertyLoadSaver
- Pass context.Context to Save & Load method
- Add retry feature to each RPC
- e.g. Retry AllocateID when it failed
- Add middleware layer
- About...
- Local Cache
- AE Memcache
- Logging
- Retry
- etc...
- Easy to ON/OFF switching
- About...
- Add some useful methods
- have utility functions
- support firestore
package- When using slice of struct, MUST specified
option.- original (ae & cloud) datastore.SaveStruct have different behaviors.
- see aeprodtest/main.go
- When using slice of struct, MUST specified
- Masahiro Wakame (@vvakame)
Please read the CLA below carefully before submitting your contribution.
- requirements
- gcloud sdk
gcloud components install app-engine-go
gcloud components install beta cloud-datastore-emulator
- gcloud sdk
- Testing in local
$ ./setup.sh # exec once
$ ./serve.sh # exec in background
$ ./test.sh
Copyright 2017 Mercari, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.