A memory leak detection library for Android.
Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
A set of Hugo doc templates for launching open source content.
Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
Command-line sampling profiler for macOS and Linux
Upload a performance profile in pprof format to Stackdriver Profiler UI for visualization
A batch and linear video editor and video task automator
burn 🔥 is a CLI tool to convert performance profiles to hierarchical data structures that can be visualized as flame graphs
Continuous Profiling Platform. Debug performance issues down to a single line of code
A debian-based shell environment designed for Android and adb
A clean, minimalist theme featuring a light and dark mode for Ghost
A simple tool to generate FlameGraphs from Xcode Instruments traces 🔥📊
transforming your .proto files into .dot files (and .svg, .png if you happen to have graphviz installed)
An Entity System of type "RDBMS Beta" (see the wiki for detailed explanation)
EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system
Graphviz DOT rendering and animated transitions using D3
A theme components to enable easy redirection in Hugo sites
Beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files.