Supervision-by-Registration: An Unsupervised Approach to Improve the Precision of Facial Landmark Detectors
michaelshing / modeling_3d
Forked from ClaireXie/modeling_3dA simple demo for 3D Object Modeling based on an RGB-D camera
Weighted Softmax Loss Layer for Caffe
CNN+LSTM+CTC based OCR implemented using tensorflow.
Trained model files for dlib example programs.
YOLO (Real-Time Object Detection) in caffe
A curated list of deep learning resources for computer vision
Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning
michaelshing / GBDT
Forked from liudragonfly/GBDTA simple GBDT in Python
michaelshing / xgboost
Forked from dmlc/xgboostLarge-scale and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, on single node, hadoop yarn and more.
michaelshing / PredictionIO
Forked from apache/predictionioPredictionIO, a machine learning server for developers and ML engineers. Built on Apache Spark, HBase and Spray.
michaelshing / sifarish
Forked from pranab/sifarishContent based and collaborative filtering based recommendation and personalization engine implementation on Hadoop and Storm
michaelshing / matconvnet
Forked from vlfeat/matconvnetMatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB
Convolutional Neural Networks for Matlab for classification and segmentation, including Invariang Backpropagation (IBP) and Adversarial Training (AT) algorithms. Trained on GPU, require cuDNN v5.
Matlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders