A modern Neovim port of a deftheme adaptation of an Emacs port of a BBEdit colorscheme
Note This is a work in progress, but fairly stable
{ "miguno/gruber-darker.nvim" }
use "miguno/gruber-darker.nvim"
Plug 'miguno/gruber-darker.nvim'
Then, somewhere in your init.lua
, set the colorscheme
bold = true,
invert = {
signs = false,
tabline = false,
visual = false,
italic = {
strings = true,
comments = true,
operators = false,
folds = true,
undercurl = true,
underline = true,
Change configuration options by calling setup()
prior to loading the colorscheme. Your preferences
will be merged with the defaults.
For example, with Lazy...
opts = {
bold = false,
italic = {
strings = false,
These repositories were great knowledge sources and their inspiration helped immensely with the development of this plugin.