jQuery wizard plugin based on Bootstrap.
Inspired by acc-wizard, this wizard is different from acc-wizard in a few ways:
- Source code is CoffeeScript;
- Not based on hash when move forward and backward in wizard;
- Not based on Bootstrap accordion;
- More events and utilize public methods.
This plugin also includes a beautiful CSS file which is borrowed from acc-wizard, but this is absolutely optional, you can provide your own css style.
To initialize the wizard:
$(function() {
Check live demo here, and a more sophisticated demo here.
The plugin accepts options as a single object argument. Supported options are:
- currentStep current step to show, default to 1, the first step
- addButtons add next/prev buttons to panels (default: true)
- sidebar selector for task sidebar (default: ".bs-wizard-sidebar")
- activeClass class to indicate the active task in sidebar (default: "bs-wizard-active")
- completedClass class to indicate task is complete (default: "bs-wizard-completed")
- todoClass class to indicate task is still pending (default: "bs-wizard-todo")
- stepClass class for step buttons within panels (default: "bs-wizard-step")
- nextText text for next button (default: "Next Step")
- backText text for back button (default: "Go Back")
- nextType HTML input type for next button (default: "submit")
- backType HTML input type for back button (default: "reset")
- nextClasses class(es) for next button (default: "btn btn-primary")
- backClasses class(es) for back button (default: "btn")
- beforeNext function to call before going to next step, return true to proceed to the next step; others to stop. e.g. used for validation
- onNext function to call on next step
- beforeBack function to call before going to previous step, return true to proceed to the next step; others to stop
- onBack function to call on back up
- onInit a chance to hook initialization
- onDestroy a chance to hook destruction
Public methods could be retrieved:
or called by supplying arguments:
$(".bs-wizard").bs_wizard('show_step', 1)
Public methods list:
option Get/set a plugin option:
$('#el').bs_wizard('option', 'addButtons') and $ ('#el').bs_wizard('option', 'addButtons', true) - destroy Destroy plugin: $('#el').bs_wizard('destroy')()
- go_next Go to next step
- go_prev Go back to previous step
- show_step Go to wizard step, starting from 1
bs-wizard is licensed under the MIT license.