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Use new zify support in buf_proof
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tchajed committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 81b8234 commit 9210a6b
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Showing 3 changed files with 23 additions and 137 deletions.
20 changes: 4 additions & 16 deletions src/Helpers/NatDivMod.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,10 @@
Require Import Arith ZArith ZifyClasses ZifyInst Lia.

(* adapted from *)
(* import ZifyNat to bring some Zify instances into scope *)
Require Import ZArith ZifyInst ZifyNat Lia.

(* the user should probably also use this - we don't (yet) enable it globally in
Perennial *)
#[local] Ltac Zify.zify_post_hook ::= Z.div_mod_to_equations.

Goal forall (n:nat), 2 * n mod 2 = 0.
Fail lia.

Program Instance Op_Nat_mod : BinOp Nat.modulo :=
{| TBOp := Z.modulo ; TBOpInj := Nat2Z.inj_mod |}.
Add Zify BinOp Op_Nat_mod.
Program Instance Op_Nat_div : BinOp Nat.div :=
{| TBOp := Z.div ; TBOpInj := Nat2Z.inj_div |}.
Add Zify BinOp Op_Nat_div.

Goal forall (n:nat), 2 * n mod 2 = 0.
Expand Down
113 changes: 16 additions & 97 deletions src/program_proof/buf/buf_proof.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ From Goose.github_com.mit_pdos.go_journal Require Import buf.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import util_proof disk_lib.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Export buf.defs.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import addr.addr_proof wal.abstraction.
From Perennial.Helpers Require Import NamedProps PropRestore.
From Perennial.Helpers Require Import NamedProps PropRestore NatDivMod.
From Perennial.goose_lang.lib Require Import slice.typed_slice.

#[local] Ltac Zify.zify_post_hook ::= Z.div_mod_to_equations.

(* an object is the data for a sub-block object, a dynamic bundle of a kind and
data of the appropriate size *)
(* NOTE(tej): not necessarily the best name, because it's so general as to be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,13 +412,9 @@ Opaque PeanoNat.Nat.div.
replace (S (uint.nat a.(addrOff) `div` 8) * 1)%nat with (S (uint.nat a.(addrOff) `div` 8))%nat by lia.
iExactEq "Hs". f_equal.
{ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div; try word.
eauto. }
{ word. }
{ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add; try word.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div; try word.
change (Z.to_nat 8) with 8%nat.
word. }

- iExactEq "Hs"; f_equal.

Expand All @@ -432,62 +430,13 @@ Opaque PeanoNat.Nat.div.

rewrite -Hatoff /extract_nth.
{ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div; try word.
simpl bufSz in *.
change (Z.to_nat 8) with 8%nat.
change (Z.to_nat 128) with 128%nat.
change (128 * 8)%nat with (8 * 128)%nat.
rewrite -Nat.Div0.div_div; try word.
assert ((uint.nat (addrOff a) `div` 8) `mod` 128 = 0)%nat as Hx.
replace (uint.Z (addrOff a)) with (Z.of_nat (uint.nat (addrOff a))) in Hoff by word.
rewrite -Nat2Z.inj_mod in Hoff; try word.
assert (uint.nat (addrOff a) `mod` 1024 = 0)%nat as Hy by lia.
replace (1024)%nat with (8*128)%nat in Hy by reflexivity.
rewrite Nat.Div0.mod_mul_r in Hy; try word.
apply Nat.Div0.div_exact in Hx; try word.
{ simpl bufSz in *.
simpl bufSz in *.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add; try word.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div; try word.
change (Z.to_nat 1) with 1%nat.
change (Z.to_nat 8) with 8%nat.
change (Z.to_nat 128) with 128%nat.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add; try word.
change (Z.to_nat (128*8-1)) with (128*8-1)%nat.

replace (128 * 8)%nat with (8 * 128)%nat by reflexivity.
rewrite -Nat.Div0.div_div; try word.
assert ((uint.nat (addrOff a) `div` 8) `mod` 128 = 0)%nat as Hx.
replace (uint.Z (addrOff a)) with (Z.of_nat (uint.nat (addrOff a))) in Hoff by word.
rewrite -Nat2Z.inj_mod in Hoff; try word.
assert (uint.nat (addrOff a) `mod` 1024 = 0)%nat as Hy by lia.
replace (1024)%nat with (8*128)%nat in Hy by reflexivity.
rewrite Nat.Div0.mod_mul_r in Hy; try word.
apply Nat.Div0.div_exact in Hx; try word.
rewrite Nat.mul_comm in Hx.
replace (S ((uint.nat (addrOff a) `div` 8) `div` 128) * 128)%nat
with (((uint.nat (addrOff a) `div` 8) `div` 128) * 128 + 128)%nat by lia.
rewrite -Hx.

edestruct (Nat.Div0.div_exact (uint.nat (addrOff a)) 8) as [_ Hz].
rewrite -> Hz at 1.
2: {
replace (uint.Z (addrOff a)) with (Z.of_nat (uint.nat (addrOff a))) in Hoff by word.
rewrite -Nat2Z.inj_mod in Hoff; try word.
assert (uint.nat (addrOff a) `mod` 1024 = 0)%nat as Hy by lia.
replace (1024)%nat with (8*128)%nat in Hy by reflexivity.
rewrite Nat.Div0.mod_mul_r in Hy; try word.

rewrite Nat.mul_comm. rewrite -> Nat.div_add_l by lia.
change ((8 * 128 - 1) `div` 8)%nat with (127)%nat.

- intuition subst.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,9 +575,7 @@ Proof.
inversion Hnth_byte; subst; clear Hnth_byte.
rewrite /get_buf_data_bit /get_byte.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div //.
repeat (f_equal; try word).
- intros [Hbound Hbeq].
inversion Hbeq; subst; clear Hbeq.
split; [done|].
Expand All @@ -637,9 +584,7 @@ Proof.
eexists; split; [eauto|].
rewrite -> get_bit_ok by word.
rewrite /get_buf_data_bit /get_byte.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div //.
repeat (f_equal; try word).

(* TODO(tej): I should have used !!! (lookup_total), which is [default inhabitant
Expand All @@ -656,9 +601,7 @@ Lemma Nat_div_inode_bits (off:nat) :
off `div` 8)%nat.
apply (inj Z.of_nat).
repeat rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_div !Nat2Z.inj_mul ! //; try word.

Global Instance Nat_mul_comm : Comm eq Nat.mul.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,13 +666,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.mul_succ_l.
rewrite -> !Nat_div_inode_bits by word.
rewrite list_to_inode_buf_to_list; last first.
{ rewrite /subslice /inode_bytes; len.
change (Z.to_nat 128) with 128%nat.
change (Z.of_nat 1024) with 1024 in Hvalid.
pose proof (Z_mod_1024_to_div_8 (uint.Z off) Hvalid) as Hdiv8.
assert (uint.nat off `div` 8 = 128 * uint.nat off `div` 1024)%nat.
{ apply Nat2Z.inj. word. }
word. }
{ rewrite /subslice /inode_bytes; len. }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1131,11 +1068,7 @@ Lemma Nat_mod_1024_to_div_8 (n:nat) :
(n `div` 8 = 128 * (n `div` 1024))%nat.
intros Hn_mod.
pose proof (Z_mod_1024_to_div_8 (Z.of_nat n) Hn_mod).
apply (f_equal Z.to_nat) in H.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div in H; try lia.
apply (inj Z.of_nat).
move: H; word.

Lemma is_installed_block_inode (a : addr) (i : inode_buf) (bufDirty : bool) (blk : Block) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,15 +1100,6 @@ Proof.
change (Z.to_nat 8) with 8%nat.
rewrite subslice_list_inserts_eq; len.
{ rewrite inode_buf_to_list_to_inode_buf //. }
cut (uint.Z off `div` 8 + 128 ≤ 4096).
{ intros.
rewrite /inode_bytes /block_bytes.
move: H; word_cleanup.
rewrite -> Z2Nat.inj_le by word.
rewrite -> Z2Nat.inj_add by word.
rewrite -> Z2Nat.inj_div by word.
auto. }
- split; first done.
split; first done.
Expand All @@ -1196,15 +1120,10 @@ Proof.
rewrite vec_to_list_length.
+ revert Hoff'_bound. rewrite /block_bytes.
change 1024%nat with (8 * 128)%nat.
rewrite -Nat.Div0.div_div.
generalize (uint.nat off' `div` 8)%nat; intros x Hx.
assert (x `div` 128 < 32)%nat; try lia.
eapply Nat.div_lt_upper_bound; lia.
+ destruct (decide (uint.nat off' < uint.nat off)); [ left | right ].
* assert ((uint.nat off' `div` 1024)%nat < (uint.nat off `div` 1024)%nat); last by lia.
rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_div; lia.
* assert ((uint.nat off' `div` 1024)%nat > (uint.nat off `div` 1024)%nat); last by lia.
rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_div; lia.
* word.
* word.

Lemma is_installed_block_block (b : Block) (bufDirty : bool) (blk : Block) :
Expand Down
27 changes: 3 additions & 24 deletions src/program_proof/obj/recovery_proof.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,16 +283,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite fmap_replicate.
rewrite /inode_bytes block_bytes_eq.
rewrite Nat.min_l; try word.
change (Z.to_nat 128 * 8)%nat with 1024%nat.
change (Z.to_nat 4096) with 4096%nat.
change (Z.to_nat 128) with 128%nat.
assert (uint.nat off < 8 * 4096)%nat by lia.
cut (uint.nat off `div` 1024 < 32)%nat; try lia.
change (8*4096)%nat with (Z.to_nat 32768) in H1.
apply Nat2Z.inj_lt.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_div.

Lemma bufDataT_in_block0_bit off o (n: u64) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,16 +311,7 @@ Proof.
| |- context[replicate ?n _] => replace n with 1%nat; [ reflexivity | ]
rewrite block_bytes_eq in H1 |- *.
rewrite !Nat.mul_1_r.
rewrite Nat.min_l; [ lia | ].
replace (uint.nat i) with i by word.
apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound in H1; [ | lia ].
rewrite -> in H1 by lia.
replace (Nat.div i 8) with (Z.to_nat $ Z.div (Z.of_nat i) 8); try lia.
rewrite Z2Nat.inj_div; try lia.
change (Z.to_nat 8) with 8%nat.
* rewrite /get_bit.
rewrite decide_False //.
intros Heq%(f_equal uint.Z); move: Heq.
Expand All @@ -340,10 +322,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z word.unsigned_modu_nowrap //.
change (uint.Z 8) with 8.
rewrite block_bytes_eq in H1.
replace (uint.Z i) with (Z.of_nat i) by word.
rewrite /word.wrap.
assert (0 ≤ i `mod` 8 < 8) by (apply Z.mod_bound_pos; lia).
rewrite Z.mod_small; lia.
+ rewrite /valid_addr /addr2flat_z /=.
rewrite -> block_bytes_eq in *.
split_and!; try word.
Expand Down

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