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This is a simple repository to get started with nabe.



Apart from the overview provided in this file, nabe uses docco to provide comprehensive source code documentation. Check out /docs/nabe.html for more information.


You would start by installing nabe, with npm install nabe or then forking or cloning the nabe-demo repo, to get a basic skeleton.

git clone git:// weblog
cd weblog/
node server.js

You would then edit the template at will, it has the following structure:

articles/                       # default posts folder (defined in config.yml)
themes/                         # default themes folder (defined in config.yml)
  +- default/                   # theme folder (defined in config.yml)
    +- public/                  # static files go here (js, css, img)
    +- layout.html              # the main site layout, shared by all pages
    +- index.html               # the default page loaded from `/`, it displays the list of articles
    +- article.html             # the article (post) partial and page
    +- feed.xml                 # the basic template for the rss feed
    +- 404.html                 # the default 404 page
    +- github.html              # page loaded from `/a-github-project`, following the github.user config
    +- pages/                   # pages, such as about, contact etc go here
       +- about.html            # the page loaded for `/about` url
       +- whatever.html         # same goes for whatever page, loaded for `/whatever` url
  +- yourtheme/                 # another theme folder

This repository comes with three different themes: dorothy, satorii and sammo.


You can configure nabe, by modifying the config.yml file. For example, if you want to set the blog author to 'John Doe', you could add or edit author: John Doe inside the config.yml file. Here are the defaults, to get you started:

author:       'John Doe'                                # blog author
title:        'a blog about ...'                        # site title
description:  'not another blog engine.. well.. yes it is..'
format:       'yyyy-mm-dd'                              # date format for articles
culture:      'en'                                      # ideally, any valid culture. either en, fr, ja, ru, es for now
disqus:       ''                                        # disqus id
  delim:      '\n##'                                    # summary delimiter

Check out /docs/config.html for more information.


You could then create a .markdown article file in the articles/ folder, and make sure it has the following format:

Title: What a node weekend !
Author: John Doe
Date: Apr 24 2011 17:08:00 GMT+0200 (CDT)

There's no `sleep()` in JavaScript.. Nor does it have goto, Duh.

Tags are defined using the Categories property

Categories: node, readme, blog

If you're familiar with wheat or toto, this should looks familiar. Basically the top of the file is in YAML format, and the rest of it is the blog post. They are delimited by an empty line /\n\n/, as you can see above.

None of the information is mandatory, but it's strongly encouraged you specify it. Arbitrary metadata can be included in articles files, and accessed from the templates.

Articles are processed through github-flavored-markdown converter thus providing you some useful hooks like mklabs/nabe#1 or mklabs/nabe@da9eee105bd4becb8dd2973bf660509b30ee2be2. Snippets of code are passed through Prettify syntax highlighting.

Articles files may be placed in any directory, they're served regardless of where they are located in the articles directory (and a request on a valid dir would list all articles in that directory and any subdirectories, if any markdown file is available for that URL)


pages, such as home, about, etc go in the templates/pages folder. Basically, if any file or folder is matching given url, nabe will look for similar files in pages, allowing you to render a simple about.html to /about url.

One can easily add pages just by creating new files in pages folder.


Sidebar file allow you to define a simple sidebar that you can later use in your templates and pages, heavily inspired by gollum. It's not as brilliant and is roughly implemented but you can use a custom _sidebar.markdown file in your artciles folder, its content would be available in your template files like so:

{{if has_sidebar}}
<div class="article-sidebar">
  {{html sidebar}}

json api

A simple JSON connect layer is listening for incoming request with Accept header set to application/json that, instead of serving html output (delivered by templates files), will respond the exact same model provided to the views as json objects. It basically means that any request done with something like $.getJSON('./valid/route') would get in return a json result (and one can easily think of building neat single-page app with framework like Sammy.js or Backbone). The sammo theme available in this repo uses Sammy.js with pushState to handle page transitions.

One can think of easily reuse server-side templates to provide a front-end application.

Examples on ./

   { hostAddress: 'localhost||amazonaws',
     port: 9606,
     articleDir: 'articles',
     themeDir: 'themes',
     theme: 'sammo',
     format: 'F',
     culture: 'fr',
     github: { user: 'mklabs', ext: 'markdown' },
     author: 'John Doe',
     title: 'Sammo',
     url: '/',
     description: 'Say hello to Sammo, a theme crafted with a tiny Sammy.js application that use pushState to handle page transitions',
     root: 'index',
     date: 'YYYY-mm-dd',
     disqus: '',
     ext: 'markdown',
     summary: { max: 150, delim: '\\n##' } } },
   [ { title: 'readme, yep readme',
       author: 'John Doe',
       date: 'mercredi 27 avril 2011 04:14:00',
       categories: [ 'node', 'readme', 'blog' ],
       markdown: '<p>nabe is a git-powered, minimalist blog engine for coders.</p>',
       name: 'readme' },
     { title: 'GitHub Flavored Markdown',
       author: 'John Doe',
       date: 'dimanche 24 avril 2011 17:08:00',
       categories: [ 'markdown' ],,
       markdown: '<h1>GitHub Flavored Markdown</h1>\n\n<p><em>View ...',
       name: 'syntax/github-flavored-markdown' },
     { title: 'Markdown loves you',
       author: 'John Doe',
       date: 'jeudi 7 avril 2011 04:14:00',
       categories: [Object],
       markdown: '...' }


There's a basic tests suite to make sure it's working properly, you can run them if you want. You must have vows and api-easy installed to run the tests. Just run npm install api-easy if that's not the case.

Run vows tests/*.js --spec to run the simple test suite that quickly validates different json response from the server (must be started).


a simple repository to get started with nabe






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