👋 Hi, I’m Mike Reeves, a former Mechanical Eng., turned full stack web developer finally landing in the DevOps/SRE/Platform Engineer specialty. General SWE experience of 20+ years and Cloud Infra/Devops of 12+ years.
I ❤️ IAC (Infrastructure as Code), the ☁️(aka other peoples' computers) and the full gamut from Linux ➡️ CDNs and all the interesting stuff in between.
🔭 I was searching for a new position as a DevOps Architect / Principal / Staff / Lead / Manager (if w/ a heavy IC aspect) but happily found a new role I will be starting in late February 2022.
- 👀 I’m interested in:
- Devops/SRE/Cloud
AWS, DevOps and IAC (Infrastructure as Code), Ansible, Terraform & Observability - Software Eng./Programming
Python, Bash, Ruby and PHP (TODO: Learn a little Go, Java and Kotlin) - Sports
- Running (my passion since I was 15)
My Strava profile & My Athlinks results & My Strava Year(s) in Review - Cycling & Snowboarding
- Running (my passion since I was 15)
- Misc
Cooking, Hacking & Making, Reading & Travel
- Devops/SRE/Cloud
- 🌱 I’m currently deepening my knowledge of python, terraform, kubernetes, etc.
- ⛄ Projects I am doing or wish to do
- 💡 See some of my Big ideas I need to find some time to work on.
- 📫 How to reach me and various
- LinkedIn & My resume (updated 11/2022)
- mike.reeves @ "the google email provider"
- Hacker News
- StackOverflow
- Strava
- 🛠️ See some interesting work I did at Personal Capital during my 6 years and several promotions.
- 📖 I love to read. I divide my time between tech, entrepreneurial/biz, educational and fun (my guilty pleasures are sci-fi & fantasy).
- Reading:
- 2023 Current or in Queue
- Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features - lots of interesting python minutiae and good practices
- Kubernetes Up and Running 2nd edition - Most of this is a review but wanted to fill in any gaps since most of my knowledge is AWS-centric and self-taught. I should perhaps pick up the 3rd edition though reviews are mixed.
- How the World Really Works
- AWS Cookbook - Fill in some blanks in my architectural knowledge
- TODO: Add the rest
- 2023 Done:
- 97 Things Every SRE Should Know - A collection of essays on SRE-isms. Some are great, some are meh and some I disagree with. TODO: Add notes to /BOOKS.md
- Hogfather by Terry Pratchett - When I retire I'm going to read all 41 of the Discworld books! :-)
- Past Notable:
- How I Built This by Guy Raz - Fantastic book about the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship.
- 2023 Current or in Queue
- Reading:
- Runamok AWS Lab - Future home of setting up an AWS account using best practices and terraform.
- Interview Questions - 'Nuff said'
- 2022 Advent of Code - Some python solutions to the 2022 Advent of Code. Need to work on this some more.
- Project Euler - 60+ solutions in PHP for Project Euler. Last touched in 2015 :-/ .
- 2021 Digital Ocean K8s Challenge - Basic terraform and instructions to setup a K8s cluster in DO. WAY cheaper (but more limited) than AWS.
- macaddress-cli - Example of making a simple dockerized cli tool calling an API
- Hugo Quickstart - Hugo static blog software hosted as a Digital Ocean App and hosted at runthing.com