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async/await for continuation-passing style functions


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async/await syntax for functions that take a successful- and an exceptional callback in the last two arguments, a pattern known as continuation-passing style and popularised by Ring and clj-http.

Latest version on Clojars

See API docs


Continuation-passing style (CPS) is commonly used in Clojure to implement asynchronous flow. For example, a Ring handler could look like this:

(require '[clj-http.client :as http] ; the example requires clj-http
         'cheshire.core)             ; and cheshire

; asynchronous Ring handlers are CPS functions
(defn sw-handler [request respond raise]
  (let [person-id (get-in request [:params :id])
        person-url (str "" person-id)]
    ; http/get with :async? option on is a CPS function too
    (http/get person-url
              {:async? true :as :json}
              (fn success [response]
                (let [name (get-in response [:body :name])]
                  (respond {:status 200 :body (str "Hi! I'm " name)})))
              (fn error [exception]
                (respond {:status 500 :body "server error"})))))

Readability aside, callback-based code tends to suffer from a number of issues:

  • the exceptional case seems to be handled, but, as it turns out, CPS functions often throw in the calling thread instead of raising through the callback,
  • any unhandled exception in either of the continuations has an undefined behaviour, at best, being silently swallowed, at worst, compromising liveliness of the application,
  • try/finally-based facilities do not work across callback invocations, and implementing finally by hand is notoriously hard.

Neither of the problems is unfixable but writing correct callback-based code is difficult, laborious and requires rigorous discipline. await-cps delivers async/await syntax for effortless CPS code that reads like idiomatic Clojure.


Asynchronous function, defined with defn-async or afn, is a CPS function where continuations are declared and invoked implicitly. Within its body, any CPS function can be await-ed creating the illusion of a blocking call.

(require '[await-cps :refer [defn-async afn await await!]])

; expands to (defn sw-handler [request respond raise] ...)
(defn-async sw-handler [request]
  (let [person-id (get-in request [:params :id])
        person-url (str "" person-id)]
    (try            ; await does not actually block the thread
      (let [response (await http/get person-url {:async? true :as :json})
            name (get-in response [:body :name])]
        ; respond callback is called with the result implicitly
        {:status 200 :body (str "Hi! I'm " name)})
      (catch Exception e
        ; handles both, exceptions thrown by http/get and its async errors
        {:status 500 :body "server error"}))))
    ; any unhandled exceptions will raise

Asynchronous functions are regular CPS functions taking a successful- and an exceptional callback, one of which is eventually invoked (unless the function throws).

  {:params {:id 1}}
  println                              ; first callback takes the result value
  #(println (.getMessage %)))          ; second callback takes the exception
;=> nil                                ; the return value isn't very useful
;=> {:status 200
;=>  :body "Hi! I'm Luke Skywalker"}   ; but the result is eventually printed

Use afn to define an ad-hoc asynchronous function. await! is the blocking await.

  (afn [] (:status (await http/get "" {:async? true}))))
;=> 200

Asynchronous scope

Use of await is limited to the body of the asynchronous function defined with defn-async or afn. It does not extend to any functions defined within, using fn, letfn, reify or deftype. Note that some macros, like for, expand to a function and will not support awaiting either.

  (afn []
     (for [url ["" ""]]
       (:status (await http/get url {:async? true})))))
;=> IllegalStateException await called outside asynchronous scope

For collection traversal use loop/recur, or doseq, if you are traversing for the side effects only.

  (afn []
    (loop [[url & urls] ["" ""]
           statuses []]
      (if url
        (let [status (:status (await http/get url {:async? true}))]
          (recur urls (conj statuses status)))
;=> [200 200]


This library does not come with an executor. Continuations execute in whatever thread the callback is invoked in. This is a simple and efficient model that works well with non-blocking code. Use blocking macro to execute blocking operations in a separate thread and avoid performance and liveliness issues.

  (afn []
    (await (blocking
             (slurp "some-large-file")))))

Interoperability applies a CPS function and returns its result as a CompletableFuture.

Within an asynchronous function CompletableFutures can be awaited using Manifold and core.async deliver awaitable CPS functions for deferreds and channels.

(require '[ :as j]
         '[manifold.deferred :as d]
         '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)

  (afn []
    (= (await j/complete (CompletableFuture/completedFuture :value))
       (await d/on-realized (d/success-deferred :value))
       (let [ch (a/chan 1)]
         (await a/put! ch :value) ; put! and take! are not strictly CPS but are
         (await a/take! ch)))))   ; guaranteed to work with await nonetheless
;=> true

When rolling your own integration, bear in mind the pitfalls of writing callback-based code listed at the top.


The project has seen limited production use, but it tries to make it up with thorough test coverage an generative testing. Arbitrary asynchronous functions are generated, and the behaviour is asserted to match what you would expect to observe executing it synchronously.

The core API including defn-async, afn and await is considered stable.


This project is distributed under The MIT License.


async/await for continuation-passing style functions







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