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OAuth 2.0 Spec in Markdown with PlantUML Sequence diagrams

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OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

Part 1

Nader Ghanbari

YoppWorks 2019


  • Is an authorization framework
  • Enables a third-party app to obtain limited access to an HTTP service
    • on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction
    • or on its own behalf
  • Is designed only for HTTP
  • Supports several flows appropriate for different topologies/scenarios


  • Developed by the IETF
  • Next generation of OAuth (now known as OAuth 1)
    • Unlike its predecessor OAuth 2.0 relies completely on TLS
    • No signature/encryption
      • Except for JWT Bearer Tokens
    • No backward compatibility
  • 31 drafts between 2010 and 2012
  • Finalized in RFC 6749
  • Widely accepted and used by the community


Traditional Authentication Models

  • Client provides user's credentials to access protected resources

  • Several issues

    • Clients has to store the password, typically in plain-text
    • Servers need to support password authentication
    • Usually client gains an all or nothing access
    • Any intention to revoke access from one client revokes all clients
      • Only feasible way is changing the password
    • Compromise of any third-party client results in compromise of users' password

OAuth's proposal

  • A new authorization layer
  • Separating the role of client from that of resource owner
  • Access token
    • String denoting a specific
      • scope
      • lifetime
      • other access attributes
    • Issued to clients by the authorization server
      • with approval of the resource owner


  • An end-user grants a printing service access to her protected photos stored at a photo-sharing service
  • Without sharing her username and password with the printing service.
  • Instead, she authenticates directly with a server trusted by the photo-sharing service
    • That server issues the printing service delegation-specific credentials.

OAuth 2.0 Terminology

  • Resource Owner: End-User

  • Client: Printing Service

  • Authorization Server: Trusted Server

  • Resource Server: Photo-Sharing Service

  • Access Token: Delegation-specific credentials

Four Roles

  • Resource Owner
    • An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource.
  • Client
    • An app making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization
    • Just a term, does not imply the nature of the app
  • Authorization Server
    • The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization
  • Resource Server
    • The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens

Four Roles

  • Before getting into details of each role let us look at the abstract flow

Abstract Flow

Step (A)

  • The client requests authorization from the resource owner.

  • The authorization request can be made

    • directly to the resource owner (as shown)
  • or preferably indirectly via the authorization server as an intermediary

    • We will see this flow later
  • The initial and the most important step

  • Branching factor

    • The flow and consequently other steps depend on it

Authorization Grant

  • Credential representing the resource owner’s authorization

  • Will be used by the client to obtain the final access token

  • Four standard types:

    • authorization code
    • implicit
    • resource owner password credentials
    • client credentials
  • Extensible

Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Code Flow


  • Resource owner only authenticates with the authorization server like other flows
  • Ability to authenticate the client
  • Transmission of the access token directly to the client without passing it through the resource owner’s user-agent.

Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Request (Step A)

  • Client constructs a URI by adding the following params to the authorization endpoint of the Authorization Server

  • Client then redirects the User Agent to this URI

  • Params

    • response_type: must be code for this flow
    • client_id: id of the client, registered in Authorization Server
    • redirect_uri
    • scope: Access cope
    • state: An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback

Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Request Example




Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Response (Step C)

  • Authorization Server issues an authorization code and delivers it to the Client

  • Delivery to the redirect_uri specified in step A

  • Params

    • code
      • MUST expire shortly after it is issued
      • maximum lifetime of 10 minutes is RECOMMENDED.
      • The client MUST NOT it more than once.
      • If used more than once the Authorization Server MUST deny the request
    • state
      • If it was present in step A
      • MUST BE the exact value received from the client

Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Response Success Example

HTTP/1.1 302 Found


Authorization Code Flow

Authorization Response Errors

HTTP/1.1 302 Found


  • Error types
    • invalid_request: missing required params
    • unauthorized_client: client not authorized to use this flow
    • access_denied: resource owner or authorization server denied the request
    • unsupported_response_type: flow not supported
    • invalid_scope: invalid, unknown, or malformed scope
    • server_error: unexpected server error
    • temporarily_unavailable: acts as a 503 Service Unavailable
      • because 503 status cannot be returned to the client via a redirect
  • state
    • If it was present in step A
    • MUST BE the exact value received from the client

Authorization Code Flow

Access Token Request (Step D)

  • Client makes a POST request to the token endpoint with the following parameters in the body

  • grant_type: MUST be authorization_code for this flow

  • code: Authorization code received in Step C

  • redirect_uri: MUST match the value given in Step A

  • client_id: REQUIRED if the client is confidential

    • MUST match Step A
  • client_secret: REQUIRED if the client is confidential

  • Client authentication can be done with HTTP Basic Auth if the client has a password

Authorization Code Flow

Access Token Request Example

POST /token


  • Headers

    • Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

      • Only if client has a password
    • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Body

    • grant_type=authorization_code&code={CODE}&redirect_uri={ID}&client_secret={SECRET}

Authorization Code Flow

Access Token

Authorization Server MUST

  • require authentication for confidential clients
  • authenticate the client if authentication is included
  • ensure authorization code was issued to the same client
  • if the client is public ensure code was issued to "client_id" in the request
  • verify validity of the Authorization Code
  • ensure redirect_uri is present and matches if it was included in Step A

Authorization Code Flow

Access Token Response (Step E)


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-store Pragma: no-cache

  "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA",
  "token_type": "example",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA",
  "example_parameter": "example_value"

Four Roles

  • Now we are ready to take a closer look at each role

Resource Owner

  • Usually an end-user

  • All a user needs to know about the OAuth framework

    • A third-party app (Client) will make requests on their behalf
    • They have to provide credentials only to the source (Authorization Server)
    • They should never give their credentials to the third-party app
    • They can revoke the access at any time at source (Authorization Server)
    • Access scopes, if any, and their semantics
  • Advanced users

    • How to configure an app (Client)
      • Client id and secret
      • Client's redirection URI, if any or if needed
      • Allowed scopes
      • The flow used by the Client
        • If multiple flows are supported by the Client

Resource Server

  • Verifying

    • Authenticity of the Access Token
    • Validity of the Access Token
    • The scope
      • Denying access if requested resource is beyond the scope
  • The method used to validate is left to implementations

    • Most web/HTTP frameworks have support for extracting OAuth access tokens from the request
    • Token verification is usually left as an abstract operation
  • Depending on the type of Access Token verification can be done

    • By interacting with the Authorization Server
    • In the Resource Server itself
  • See Bearer Token Usage RFC 6750 for more info


Client Types

  • Confidential
    • Capable of keeping confidentiality of their credentials
    • On a secure server
    • Alternatively, capable of secure authentication by other means
  • Public
    • Incapable of maintaining the confidentiality of credentials
      • Native or on-device apps
      • Single-page or browser-based apps
    • No other means of secure authentication



  • Needs to implement the full spec of the flow(s) used

  • Registered in Authorization Server

  • Needs a secure secret if Confidential

  • Has to use the state param to keep a state between steps of the flow

    • This is also recommended to prevent cross-site forgery (CSRF) attacks
  • Securely store the Access Token and not expose it by any means

  • Expose a Redirection URI if needed by the flow

  • Much easier to implement compared to the Authoriztion Server

Authorization Server

  • Needs to implement the full spec and the extensions
    • A subset of the spec if advertised as such
  • Supports manual or automatic Client registration
  • Capable of revoking Access Tokens
  • Should allow multiple Redirection URIs for a Client
    • Most implementation support wildcards in URIs
    • Only absolute URIs are allowed
    • Extra care not to end up as an open redirector in hackers' hands
  • Should support scopes according to the spec

Authorization Server


  • Authorization Endpoint

    • Used to interact with Resource Owner and obtain an authorization grant
    • Server needs to first verify the identity of the Resource Owner
    • GET method must be supported
    • POST support is optional and allowed
  • Token Endpoint

    • Used by the Client to obtain an Access Token
      • By presenting its Authorization Grant or Refresh Token
    • MUST enforce TLS

Refresh Token

  • Credentials used to obtain access tokens.
  • Issued to the Client by Authorization Server
  • To obtain a new access token when the current one expires
  • Optional, fully in the discretion of Authorization Server
  • Not supported for all flows

Refresh Token Abstract Flow

Implicit Grant

  • For Public clients with a particular Redirection URI

    • Typically in-browser apps
    • If not a browser app
      • Handle redirects
      • Talk HTTP and extract params from response
  • Refresh tokens NOT supported

  • Access token is received as the result of the authorization request

    • Encoded in the fragment part of the Redirection URI
    • May be (most probably) exposed to the Resource Owner
    • May be exposed to other apps on the same device

Implicit Grant Flow

Implicit Grant


  • Misuse of Access Token to Impersonate Resource Owner

  • Clients can't know if the access token was issued to them or not

    • /callback#access_token={VALID-BUT-MALICIUOS-TOKEN}
  • Alternatives

Implicit Grant Flow

Authorization Request (Step A)

  • Client constructs a URI by adding the following params to the authorization endpoint of the Authorization Server

  • Client then redirects the User Agent to this URI

  • Params

    • response_type: must be token for this flow
    • client_id: id of the client, registered in Authorization Server
    • redirect_uri
    • scope: Access cope
    • state: An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback

Implicit Grant Flow

Authorization Request Example




Implicit Grant Flow

Access Token Response (Step C)

  • Authorization Server adds the following params to the Redirection URI fragment part

    • access_token
    • token_type
    • expires_in: lifetime in seconds
    • scope
      • If omitted, it means all requested scopes are granted
      • MUST be present, if only a subset of requested scopes is granted
    • state
  • NO Refresh Token is allowed for this flow

    • The server MUST NOT issue refresh token

Implicit Grant Flow

Access Token Response Example

302 Found


Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

  • Resource Owner has high trust in the Client

    • Device operating system or a highly privileged app
  • Should be used only if no other flow is viable

    • Even mobile operating systems and first-part apps use other flows these days
  • Good choice for migrating legacy clients using HTTP Basic

  • Still much better than storing the credentials

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Flow

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Flow

Access Token Request (Step B)

  • POST request to token endpoint with following params

  • grant_type: MUST be password for this flow

  • username: The resource owner username

  • password: The resource owner password

  • scope: OPTIONAL Access scope

  • Client authentication can be done with HTTP Basic Auth if the client has a password

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Flow

Access Token Request Example

POST /token


  • Headers

    • Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

      • Only if client has a password
    • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Body

    • grant_type=password&username={USERNAME}&password={PWD}

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Flow

Access Token Response (Step C)


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cache-Control: no-store Pragma: no-cache

  "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA",
  "token_type": "example",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA"

OAuth 2.0 Providers


OAuth 2.0 Spec in Markdown with PlantUML Sequence diagrams







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