The employee Information System is built using react, type Script with no installed dependences just with the use of local storage.
The employee information system provides a form with different levels that filled to get the user information and stored in one data table as more users are registered more data is been appended to the table
To achieve this, we used a multi step form that stores individual data at each level of registering and get all users information in one object file after submission and is saved to the local storage
this helos us get the list of object that is been stored in the local storage.
with Local storage we are able to persist the data on the user table to allow carry operations such as delete individual records
The folder structure is divided into two main part the componet and pages component folder holds iindividual component such as buttons text input that are used through the project
pages render the diffrent screens of the multiple step form or nexted inside a major compnent the Card component
we aslo used format checkers such as eslint and prettier for this project