A collection of best resources to learn System Design, Software architecture, and prepare for System Design Interviews
Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework (project under CNCF)
A Java based Gas Station Software System with integrated POS software
Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
A toy implementation of the Raft protocol in Haskell, with an experimental BFT variant.
⛓ Supply Chain on Hyperledger Fabric
An implementation of Hyperledger Composer to improve transparency and traceability of supply chain
Hyperledger is a Collaborative Project at The Linux Foundation.
Library of different Bloom filters in Java with optional Redis-backing, counting and many hashing options.
Monitor Kafka Consumer Group Latency with Kafka Lag Exporter
A guide to available tools and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
A Scala wrapper for OAuth 2.0 with Akka HTTP
Bloofi: A java implementation of multidimensional Bloom filters
Stateful Bloom Filter GraphStage for memory efficient tracking of duplicates in streams
Bloom filter for Scala, the fastest for JVM
Advanced Bloom Filter Based Algorithms for Efficient Approximate Data De-Duplication in Streams
Dependency extraction for Scala codebases, to aid in modularizing
Minimal http4s + Doobie + ZIO + Circe Scala application to show how to build a purely functional web application in Scala.
Scala macros for compile-time generation of safe and ultra-fast JSON codecs + circe booster