PySAL is an open source cross-platform library of spatial analysis functions written in Python. It is intended to support the development of high level applications for spatial analysis.
It is important to underscore what PySAL is, and is not, designed to do. First and foremost, PySAL is a library in the fullest sense of the word. Developers looking for a suite of spatial analytical methods that they can incorporate into application development should feel at home using PySAL. Spatial analysts who may be carrying out research projects requiring customized scripting, extensive simulation analysis, or those seeking to advance the state of the art in spatial analysis should also find PySAL to be a useful foundation for their work.
End users looking for a user friendly graphical user interface for spatial analysis should not turn to PySAL directly. Instead, we would direct them to projects like STARS and the GeoDaX suite of software products which wrap PySAL functionality in GUIs. At the same time, we expect that with developments such as the Python based plug-in architectures for QGIS, GRASS, and the toolbox extensions for ArcGIS, end user access to PySAL functionality will be widening in the near future.
Currently PySAL consists of the following files and directories:
LICENSE.txt PySAL license.
INSTALL.txt PySAL prerequisites, installation, testing, and troubleshooting.
THANKS.txt PySAL developers and contributors.
README.txt PySAL structure (this document). Script for building and installing PySAL. Additions to distutils-generated PySAL tar-balls.
CHANGELOG.txt Changes since the last release.
pysal/ Contains PySAL and the directories of PySAL modules.
doc/ Contains PySAL documentation using the Sphinx framework.
- — Computational geometry
- pysal.contrib - Contributed modules
- pysal.core — Core data structures and IO
- pysal.esda — Exploratory spatial data analysis
- pysal.examples — Data sets
- pysal.inequality — Spatial inequality analysis
- - Spatial analysis on networks
- pysal.region — Spatially constrained clustering
- pysal.spatial_dynamics — Spatial dynamics
- pysal.spreg — Regression and diagnostics
- pysal.weights — Spatial weights
All things PySAL can be found here
Please see the developer list here
Help for users is here
To search for or report bugs, please see
See the file "LICENSE.txt" for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.