Lists (1)
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Discord Media Loader - Simply download all attachments
Download discord media attachments using requests.
Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary in JSON format
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
Codepilot is a programming buddy that is an expert on your codebase.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)
A userscript that makes suck less.
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
Puya PY32F002A PY32F003 PY32F030 SDK and template project for GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
Puya PY32F002A PY32F003 PY32F030 GNU GCC SDK, template and examples
PY32F0 series MCU datasheets, packs, tools, reference manuals, etc.
KiCad Symbol & Footprint Library for Arduino Modules (Shields, Sockets and Tiles)
Floor plan panel for air quality research.
Electricity monitoring library - install in Arduino IDE's libraries folder then restart the IDE
Hello, World for CAN Bus on Arduino and MCP2515
An Arduino sketch for testing the CAN-Bus shield from SK Pang electronics
An Arduino library for the 16-bit, 4 channel ADS1115 ADC. Convenient to use. All features of the ADS1115 are implemented, including alert functions.
Fast and flexible physics-based battery models in Python
A battery pack simulation tool that uses the PyBaMM framework
A computer algebra system written in pure Python
⚗ A package useful for chemistry written in Python
A global repository of open address, building, and parcel data.
Easily take an entire YouTube playlist and turn it into high quality transcripts using Whisper.