- Pro
template-python-nii Public
Forked from robocorp/template-pythonStandard robot template using Python
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 2, 2022 -
morse Public
Forked from morse-simulator/morseThe Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
C Other UpdatedMay 13, 2022 -
tap-quickbooks Public
Forked from singer-io/tap-quickbooksPython GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2021 -
JobAllocation Public
Simple bin sorting algorithms applied to the allocation of jobs to a compute infrastructure.
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2020 -
ConstraintSolver Public
Implementation of Constraint Solvers in Java
LateBindingSolitaire Public
Constraint models for solving Late Binding Solitaire in Essence Prime
MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2020 -
covid19model Public
Forked from ImperialCollegeLondon/covid19modelCode for modelling estimated deaths and cases for COVID19.
R MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2020 -
GoQuiz Public
Getting familiar with Golang by building a quiz game on the CL.
Go UpdatedFeb 25, 2019 -
cookiecutter-golang Public
Forked from lacion/cookiecutter-golangA Go project template
Go MIT License UpdatedSep 12, 2018 -
Quadcopter_simulator Public
Forked from abhijitmajumdar/Quadcopter_simulatorA quadcopter simulator with single and multi-quad simulations
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 23, 2018 -
Tinder Public
Forked from fbessez/TinderOfficial and Updated Documentation for Tinder's private API...and some other ~creepy~ features like sorting matches and spying on FB friends.
Python UpdatedApr 16, 2017 -
pipeline Public
Forked from PipelineAI/pipelinePipelineIO: End-to-End ML and AI Platform for Real-time Spark and Tensorflow Data Pipelines
streamalert Public
Forked from airbnb/streamalertStreamAlert is a serverless, realtime data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert on data from any environment, using datasources and alerting logic you define.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 1, 2017 -
django-dash Public
Forked from barseghyanartur/django-dashCustomisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django.
Python UpdatedJan 31, 2017 -
spark-ec2 Public
Forked from amplab/spark-ec2Scripts used to setup a Spark cluster on EC2
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 11, 2017 -
BigQuery-Python Public
Forked from tylertreat/BigQuery-PythonSimple Python client for interacting with Google BigQuery.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 22, 2016 -
Flask-Scaffold Public
Prototype Database driven CRUD dashboards and RESTFUL API's in Python 3, Flask and Angularjs
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2016 -
django-simple-import Public
Forked from burke-software/django-simple-importAn import tool easy enough your users could use it
Python Other UpdatedSep 30, 2016 -
52-technologies-in-2016 Public
Forked from shekhargulati/52-technologies-in-2016Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2016 -
cloudssh Public
Forked from debroys/cloudsshA client tool for ssh into a VM in the public cloud using static instance name
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 19, 2016 -
fifthel-2016-workshop Public
Forked from unnati-xyz/scalable-data-science-platformContent for fifth elephant workshop 2016. Pandas, Luigi, Spark & Flask
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2016 -
handyscripts Public
Collection of handy python scripts that I think others might find useful
Python UpdatedAug 3, 2016 -
lambda-packages Public
Forked from Miserlou/lambda-packagesVarious popular python libraries, pre-compiled to be compatible with AWS Lambda
Shell UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
awesome-machine-learning Public
Forked from josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learningA curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJul 31, 2016