written by Niru Maheswaranathan ([email protected])
This toolbox contains some useful scripts for generating and processing image ensembles in Matlab.
- This toolbox uses images from the van Hateren natural image database. Download the images from the Bethge lab. A mirror is also hosted by Paul Ivanov at his website.
- Specify the path to the image set you want to use (either the linearized .iml images or the deblurred, or calibrated, .imc images) in setupIPT.m
- Make sure to run setupIPT.m before using the toolbox. You can add the entire toolbox to your path using pathtool in Matlab.
To use the toolbox, you'll need a copy of Matlab. I haven't figured out exactly what versions are supported yet. It might also work with Octave.
Secondary helper functions included in the helper_functions folder are not included in this list.
- setupIPT.m Sets up some paths for the imageprocessing toolbox (IPT). Run this before using the toolbox!
- generate_samples.m Generates (or samples) image patches from different model classes (gaussian noise, pink noise, natural images, or the dead leaves model)
- loadimage.m Loads an image from the van Hateren database
- oneoverf.m Generates 1/f noise (from Lawrence Cormack)
- plot_patches.m Plots rows of a matrix as images in a grid. Useful for visualizing the output of generate_samples.m
- downsample2.m 2D downsampling function
- upsample2.m 2D upsampling function
- gabor.m Generates a 2D gabor function
This code is provided for non-commercial research use only. There are no guarantees that anything works, but let me know if something doesn't work and I will fix it.