- These enhancements are useful to me but they don't make sense for everyone. Feel free to tweak to your desire and please submit pull requests.
- Does not work in Windows (currently)
- Does not work with shells or db servers < 2.2 (currently)
Update mongorc.js and set $HOME to be your home directory, then link mongorc.js
to .mongorc.js
in your home directory:
ln -sf <mongo-hacker-dir>/mongorc.js ~/.mongorc.js
Link the hacker modules like so:
ln -sf <mongo-hacker-dir>/mongorc ~/.mongorc
Note: This currently only works with the v2.2+ of shell (which you can use with earlier versions of the server safely)
Verbose shell is enabled by default -- to disable: setVerboseShell(false)
Disable notfication of "Type 'it' for more"
Custom prompt with hostname(process-version) db>
Colorized query output
- ObjectId: Green(underlined)
- null: Bright Red
- String: Green
- Number: Red
- Key: Yellow
- Boolean: Blue
- Date: Cyan
Highlight querytime if verboseShell is enabled
- In green if querytime is at or below slowms
- In red if query time is above slowms
- Automatically show information about index use -- to disable:
Default indent is 2 spaces instead of tab
- Customizable by setting
- Automatically use multi updates -- to disable:
db.users.update({}, {$set: {awesome: true}})
Updated 4 existing record(s) in 1ms
Aggregation Framework Helpers -- on collections
- Group and Count:
gcount(group_field, filter)
- Group and Sum:
gsum(group_field, sum_field, filter)
- Group and Average:
gavg(group_field, avg_field, filter)
"age": 27,
"first_name": "Tyler",
"last_name": "Brock",
"updated": new Date()
"age": 30,
"first_name": "Jessica",
"last_name": "Fake",
"updated": new Date()
"age": 35,
"first_name": "Tyler",
"last_name": "Durden",
"updated": new Date()
"result": [
"_id": "Jessica",
"count": 1
"_id": "Tyler",
"count": 2
"ok": 1
db.users.gcount("first_name", {first_name: "Tyler"})
"result": [
"_id": "Tyler",
"count": 2
"ok": 1
db.users.gsum("first_name", "age")
"result": [
"_id": "Jessica",
"sum": 30
"_id": "Tyler",
"sum": 62
"ok": 1
db.users.gavg("first_name", "age")
"result": [
"_id": "Jessica",
"avg": 30
"_id": "Tyler",
"avg": 31
"ok": 1