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Duc's dotfiles

This repo stores my dotfiles setup I'm using on my Mac.

What's included?

  • used to run in a fresh installation of Mac OS to install everything I need.
  • Brewfile: contains the list of brew packages and casks I'm using.
  • .zshrc: my ZSH configurations.
  • .tool-versions: I use asdf to manage programming language installations. This file contains the list and their versions.
  • And other important dotfiles.


  1. Please install Xcode command-line tools first.

  2. Fork this repo.

  3. Copy the repo link either as HTTPS or SSH. If you choose SSH, you should set up your SSH key first.

  4. Clone the repo to your HOME directory.

    git clone <repo link> ~/
  5. Run the file and pass the repo link you've copied in step 2 as an argument.

    ./ <repo link>
  6. Restart and enjoy!


  • If you use itomate like me, you need to enable Python API in iTerm 2.

  • My .gitignore file is ambitious, it ignores everything except for some. When tracking a new file or a whole directory, remember to add it to the .gitignore file as well.

  • If you have private scripts or something you want to keep locally, put it in a file. It's automatically loaded from the .zshrc file.

Managing dotfiles

If done correctly, your HOME directory is now a git repository. You'll also have some commands to help manage the dotfiles easier.

Command Alias of Description
config git --git-dir=$HOME/.git/ --work-tree=$HOME Like git, but only for the dotfiles repo
cs config status Check the status of the dotfiles repo
cadd config add Track new dotfiles
cdc config checkout -- Discard changes to a file
cus config reset -- Unstage a file
cdown Pull changes from remote and apply them
cup Commit all local changes to remote
ch Show help

They can be invoked anywhere regardless of the current working directory.

Wait, there's more!

I also have an ubuntu branch where I store my configurations on my old Ubuntu machine. It's no longer maintained, but the one-click installation capability is awesome.