Forked from outline/rich-markdown-editor.
Enhance the outline/rich-markdown-editor by adding new features such as text color, LaTeX, merged table cells, and HTML. You can try a live demo here.
npm i rich-markdown-editor-enhanced
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
defaultValue="Hello world!"
Support text color and text background color.
- text color
text <<rgb(3, 135, 102) color>> support.
- text background color
text <<<rgba(3, 135, 102, 0.2) background color>>> support.
Support latex.
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
Support html block and html inline.
## HTML Block
<div style="color:skyblue;">456</div>
## HTML Inline
This span is <span style="background:skyblue">an <span style="border:1px solid red">inline-level</span> element</span>; its background
has been <span style="background:skyblue">colored</span> to <span style="color: tomato">display</span> both the beginning and
<em>end <span style="border: 1px solid #ccc;"> of **the** element's</span> influence</strong>.
Support merged table cells.
# Tables with merged cells
| Editor | Rank | React | Collaborative |
| Prosemirror | Long cell || Yes |
| Slate | B | Yes | No |
| ^^ | C | No | Yes |
Support disabling the heading folding.
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
The onChange
will not be triggered while the input method is composing.
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
import IME from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/ime';
defaultValue="Hello world!"
onChange={(getValue, getJson) => {
new IME(),
The onLoad
will be triggered when all the images, formulas, etc. in the editor are loaded.
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
import OnLoad from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/on-load';
defaultValue="Hello world!"
new OnLoad({
onLoad: () => {
This extension is just an example showing how to customize nodes.
How to use:
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
import Attach from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/attachment/attachment-node';
import BlockAttach from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/block-attachment/block-attachment-node';
defaultValue="Hello world!"
new Attach(),
new BlockAttach(),
The syntax of the attachment is as follows:
A block level attachment is show as below:
{{block: 9379ed9e-89f1-4196-8280-0881891d8ce8}}
An inline level attachment is show as below:
For details, see attach: [[attach: 9379ed9e-89f1-4196-8280-0881891d8ce8]].
Support reference.
How to use:
import Editor from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced';
import literatureReference from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/literature-reference/reference-node';
import literatureReferenceItem from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/literature-reference/reference-item-node';
import Ref from 'rich-markdown-editor-enhanced/dist/extensions/literature-reference/ref-node';
defaultValue="Hello world!"
new literatureReference(),
new literatureReferenceItem(),
new Ref(),
The syntax of reference is as follows:
#### Content
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<ref name="LazyDog"/>
Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.<ref name="Jukeboxes"/>
How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts.<ref name="JumpingFrogs"/>
#### References
<ref name="Jukeboxes">This is the jukeboxes reference.</ref>
<ref name="LazyDog">This is the lazy dog reference.</ref>
<ref name="JumpingFrogs">This is the jumping frogs reference.</ref>