This module assembles different methods of collecting data from AWS into Observe. It is intended as both a starting point and as a reference.
The module sets up the following forwarding methods:
- the Observe lambda
- an S3 bucket, subscribed to the aforementioned Lambda
- a Firehose stream
Given these egresses, we extract data from the following sources:
- Cloudwatch Metrics, via Firehose
- CloudTrail, via S3
- EventBridge, via Firehose
- AWS snapshot data, via Lambda
The following snippet installs the Observe AWS collection stack to a single region:
module "observe_collection" {
source = ""
observe_customer = ""
observe_token = ""
The snippet below installs the Observe AWS collection stack so that all supported CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch metrics, CloudTrail records, and AWS resource updates are collected, except for some excluded items:
module "observe_collection" {
source = ""
observe_customer = ""
observe_token = ""
subscribed_log_group_matches = [".*"]
subscribed_log_group_excludes = ["/aws/elasticbeanstalk/my-app.*"]
snapshot_exclude = ["kms:Describe*"]
cloudwatch_metrics_exclude_filters = ["AWS/KMS"]
┌──────────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐
│cloudwatch metrics├──┐ │ s3 bucket │ │ cloudtrail │
└──────────────────┘ │ ┌───────────► ◄────┤ │
│ │ └────────┬──────┘ └─────────────┘
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ ┌─────┴──────┐ │
└─────► │ │
│ Firehose ├──────┐ │
┌───────────────────► │ │ │
│ └───▲──┬─────┘ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌───▼───┐ │
┌─────┴─────┐ │ │ │ │ │
│eventbridge│ │ │ │observe│ │
└─────┬─────┘ │ │ │ │ │
│ ┌──────────┴──▼─┐ └────▲──┘ │
│ │cloudwatch logs│ │ │
│ └──────────┬──┬─┘ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ┌───┴──▼─────┐ │ │
└───────────────────► ├───────┘ │
│ Lambda │ │
┌───────────────────► ◄─────────────┘
│ └────────────┘
│ cloudwatch logs │
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.2 |
aws | >= 5.0 |
random | >= 3.0.0 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 5.0 |
random | >= 3.0.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
lambda_log_subscription | observeinc/kinesis-firehose/aws//modules/cloudwatch_logs_subscription | 2.2.0 |
observe_cloudwatch_logs_subscription | observeinc/cloudwatch-logs-subscription/aws | 0.5.0 |
observe_cloudwatch_metrics | observeinc/kinesis-firehose/aws//modules/cloudwatch_metrics | 2.2.0 |
observe_firehose_eventbridge | observeinc/kinesis-firehose/aws//modules/eventbridge | 2.2.0 |
observe_kinesis_firehose | observeinc/kinesis-firehose/aws | 2.2.0 |
observe_lambda | observeinc/lambda/aws | 3.6.0 |
observe_lambda_s3_bucket_subscription | observeinc/lambda/aws//modules/s3_bucket_subscription | 3.6.0 |
observe_lambda_snapshot | observeinc/lambda/aws//modules/snapshot | 3.6.0 |
s3_bucket | terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws | ~> 4.0 |
Name | Type |
aws_cloudtrail.trail | resource |
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.rules | resource | | resource |
random_string.this | resource |
aws_caller_identity.current | data source |
aws_iam_policy_document.bucket | data source |
aws_region.current | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
cloudtrail_enable | Whether to create a CloudTrail trail. Useful for avoiding the 'trails per region' quota of 5, such as when testing. |
bool |
true |
no |
cloudtrail_enable_log_file_validation | Whether log file integrity validation is enabled for CloudTrail. Defalults to false. | bool |
false |
no |
cloudtrail_exclude_management_event_sources | A list of management event sources to exclude. See the following link for more info: |
set(string) |
[ |
no |
cloudtrail_is_multi_region_trail | Whether to enable multi region trail export | bool |
true |
no |
cloudwatch_metrics_exclude_filters | Namespaces to exclude. Mutually exclusive with cloudwatch_metrics_include_filters. To disable Cloudwatch Metrics Stream entirely, use ["*"]. |
set(string) |
[] |
no |
cloudwatch_metrics_include_filters | Namespaces to include. Mutually exclusive with cloudwatch_metrics_exclude_filters. | set(string) |
[] |
no |
dead_letter_queue_destination | Send failed events/function executions to a dead letter queue arn sns or sqs | string |
null |
no |
enable_s3_bucket_eventbridge | Enable sending bucket notifications to EventBridge | bool |
false |
no |
eventbridge_rules | Eventbridge events matching these rules will be forwarded to Observe. Map keys are only used to provide stable resource addresses. If null, a default set of rules will be used. |
map(object({ |
null |
no |
invoke_snapshot_on_start_enabled | Toggle invocation of snapshot from Cloudformation. This can be useful for debug purposes if the lambda fails to complete successfully. | bool |
false |
no |
kms_key_id | KMS key ARN to use to encrypt the logs delivered by CloudTrail. | string |
"" |
no |
lambda_envvars | Environment variables | map(any) |
{} |
no |
lambda_kms_key | KMS key to encrypt environment variables | object({ arn = string }) |
null |
no |
lambda_memory_size | The amount of memory that your function has access to. Increasing the function's memory also increases its CPU allocation. The default value is 256 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB. |
number |
256 |
no |
lambda_reserved_concurrent_executions | The number of simultaneous executions to reserve for the function. | number |
100 |
no |
lambda_s3_custom_rules | List of rules to evaluate how to upload a given S3 object to Observe. | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
lambda_subscribe_logs | Whether to subscribe to the Lambda function's logs and deliver them from CloudWatch to Observe via Kinesis Firehose. | bool |
true |
no |
lambda_timeout | The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. The maximum allowed value is 900 seconds. |
number |
120 |
no |
lambda_version | Lambda version | string |
"arm64/latest" |
no |
log_subscription_name | Name for log subscription resources to be created | string |
null |
no |
name | Name for resources to be created | string |
"observe-collection" |
no |
observe_customer | Observe Customer ID | string |
n/a | yes |
observe_domain | Observe Domain | string |
"" |
no |
observe_token | Observe Token | string |
n/a | yes |
retention_in_days | Retention in days of cloudwatch log group | number |
365 |
no |
s3_bucket | Override S3 bucket used to to stage data to be sent to Observe. | object({ |
null |
no |
s3_exported_prefix | Key prefix which is subscribed to be sent to Observe Lambda | string |
"" |
no |
s3_lifecycle_rule | List of maps containing configuration of object lifecycle management. | any |
[] |
no |
s3_logging | Enable S3 access log collection | bool |
false |
no |
snapshot_action | List of actions triggered by snapshot. Set to null to inherit all actions supported by the lambda. | set(string) |
[ |
no |
snapshot_exclude | List of actions to exclude from being executed on snapshot request. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
snapshot_include | List of actions to include in snapshot request. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
snapshot_schedule_expression | Rate at which snapshot is triggered. Must be valid EventBridge expression | string |
"rate(1 hour)" |
no |
subscribed_log_group_excludes | A list of regex patterns describing CloudWatch log groups to NOT subscribe to. See for more info" |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
subscribed_log_group_filter_pattern | A filter pattern for a CloudWatch Logs subscription filter. See or for more info" |
string |
"" |
no |
subscribed_log_group_matches | A list of regex patterns describing CloudWatch log groups to subscribe to. See for more info" |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
subscribed_s3_bucket_arns | List of additional S3 bucket ARNs to subscribe lambda to. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
tags | A map of tags to add to all resources | map(string) |
{} |
no |
Name | Description |
bucket | S3 bucket subscribed to Observe Lambda |
observe_kinesis_firehose | Observe Kinesis Firehose module |
observe_lambda | Observe Lambda module |
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