Project for Geometric Alghoritms course @USI 20/21.
Each disk
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You should implement a plane-sweep algorithm from left to right. Your program should take as input a file (a sample file is attached), which has the minimum and maximum x-coordinate in its first line:
$x_{min} , x_{max}$.
And the respective coordinates for the y-coordinate in the secon line.
$y_{min} , y_{max}$
Each follocing line describes a circle with center $c(c_x, c_y)$ and radius $r$ by:
$c_x , c_y , r$.
At the termination of the program, the program should clearly state if
- Ideally you should use the efficient data structures as discussed in lecture. If that is not possible then you should state which data structures you used instead and how that affects the running time.
- There is no intention to tackle you with numerical errors and robustness issues. Therefore, no events will be too close, and 2 digits after the decimal point should be enough to hide any numerical inaccuracies.
- You may use Matlab, Python or C++.
- Write a small document, in which you describe your implementation. Please mention clearly in the documentation (and justify) the space complexity of your implementation.
To run the main script:
git clone
cd Plane-Sweep-packing-cover
You can choose the input in def main() of There are the planeSweepPacking() and planeSweepCover() functions to perform the goal of this project. At the moment planeSweepCover() is selected. If you want to use planeSweepPacking() then you need to to comment planeSweepCover() and uncomment planeSweepPacking().
If you want to display the output then set animation=True and you will see something as follows:
Close the output image to advance with the algorithm.
NOTE: Take care that for some output as 100circlesdense or 1000circlessparse you should set animation=False or you'll receive an error for memory problems.