AFK Operator v0.55.1218 Alpha
IRC Bot - Coded in PureBasic
Thanks to the following for some of afk-operator's supporting code:
- a reference of the irc basics (in pb): DarkDragon @ purebasic forums
- cryptlib wrapper (For the last-minute SSL support add-on) :
- TrayIcon.pbc: luis @ purebasic forums
- Whoever wrote the winhttp wrapper.
Basic / Quick Startup Guide:
- Compile afk.pb
- place any plugin dll's in /plugin/ folder (/plugin/ must be a sub-folder of the folder afk is running from). Also, be sure cl32.dll is with your exe for (limited) SSL support.
- when prompted, enter YOUR nickname (as the bot master/1st oper), and create a password.
- fill in the form, and click connect.
- refer to the function 'ProcessCommand(*Text)' within afk.pb for the basic controls / documentation, or use the main window to manipulate the connection.
- early Alpha release, so expect bugs aplenty and very little documentation
- if you feel adventurous, in the /plugin/ folder, there are a couple example plugin.dll source files, to create plugins for the bot.