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Levi Tan Ong edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 27 revisions

How can I implement optimistic commits?

Write a mutation that both changes the local state and includes a remote key.

(defmethod my-mutate 'change/it!
  [{:keys [state]} key params]
  {:remote true
   (fn []
     (swap! state [:count] inc))})

How can I delay loads?

Write some conditional logic in your read function.

(defmethod my-read :delayed/key
  [{:keys [state]} key params]
  (let [[k v :as e] (find @state key)]
    (when-not (nil? e)
      (if (= v :loading)
        {:remote true}
        {:value v}))))

How do I communicate with the server?

Provide a function to the :send key of the reconciler's parameter map (along with :state and :parser). This will be a function which takes two parameters: the EDN of the query expression fragment that will be passed to the server, and a callback to handle the response. Om will provide the callback, your function just needs to make the request and ensure that the callback receives, as its one argument, data in the format of an EDN result of a query expression -- for example by simply reading a transit-json response from the server back into EDN. Example:

(defn transit-post [url]
  (fn [{:keys [remote]} cb]
    (.send XhrIo url
      (fn [e]
        (this-as this
          (cb (transit/read (om/reader) (.getResponseText this)))))
      "POST" (transit/write (om/writer) remote)
      #js {"Content-Type" "application/transit+json"})))

Why is my component not rerendered after transact!?

transact! takes an initiating component and a query expression consisting of mutations and any number of reads. If the initiating component (or any other component) is not rerendered with the mutated data, the first question to ask yourself is: does the transaction affect keys that are not part of the initiating component's query? After the transaction, Om implicitly updates the initiating component based on its query. However, if keys outside the component are affected, they need to be added to the transact! query expression explicitly. Assume a component Foo has a query [:foo/bar :foo/baz] and calls (om/transact this `[(app/do-something)]). If app/do-something affects :foo/bar or :foo/baz, the component will be rerendered with the new data automatically. If it changes:something/else however, the call has to be changed to (om/transact this `[(app/do-something) :something/else]).

Shouldn't there be some way for the reconciler to add read-keys for transactions?

We're following Relay & Falcor's rationale here: The server shouldn't push arbitrary data back to the client. And the UI knows what to update. The trick is, to pick meaningful data keys and/or idents and use those as read-keys.

Why is (om/get-state this) equal to next-state in componentWillUpdate?

om/get-state always returns the most up-to-date state. This is why calling (om/get-state this) in the lifecycle method componentWillUpdate yields the same value contained in the next-state function parameter. If you want to get the state that is currently rendered, use om/get-rendered-state instead.

What does {:value {:keys []}} do from a mutation result map

{:value {:keys []}} does absolutely nothing. You can add this to your mutations as documentation on which keys you should put after a transact! call.

Why is boot complaining about No reader function for tag js?

This is likely to happen when prerendering your app server side using boot. This is a problem with boot: Thankfully, boot now comes with (boot.core/load-data-readers!) which should be placed in build.boot after the namespace declaration to properly load the data readers enclosed in om.

How do I get the class of a component instance?

Use om/react-type for both client and server-side rendering. If working purely in clojurescript, the native function type will suffice, as the clojurescript implementation of react-type simplifies to just type. However, because server-side, components are implemented as reifys (as opposed to the client-side javascript classes), only react-type will suffice.

For more information, see: and's react-type implementation for both clojurescript and clojure.

How do I override's render loop?

Sometimes you might want to bypass the batched asynchronous incremental rendering (phew!) of There are, as of this writing, three options to try:

Force Update

(.forceUpdate this)

where this is the component instance

Overriding raf

(set om/*raf* (fn [f] ...))

where f is the reconciliation function. To immediately and synchronously render on changes, you would simply call f. e.g. (f). Don't forget to call (set om/*raf* nil) to resume asynchronous rendering. If you want to perform the override just once:

(set! om/*raf*
    (fn [f]
      (set! om/*raf* nil)))

Force Root Render

(om/force-root-render! reconciler)

this is your last resort, as it will re-render everything from root.

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