Install a Kubernetes Cluster on Hetzner Cloud. The Playbook install a Master and Workers with Private Networking inclusive Cloud Controller Manager for Hetzner Cloud with a Load Balancer.
Tested Versions Kubernetes v1.19.6
Forked to align with more current dependencies - Note Load Balancer and Failover IPs not working yet (looking to switch from metallb)
- Ansible v2.10.4 (
- Kubectl v1.19.6 (
- Terraform >= v0.14.3 (
- Helm >= v3.4.2 (
- create a HCloud Project in Hetzner Cloud Console
- Create a floating IP with the name that you'll use as my_ip_tag in your values.yaml below
- copy/rename "env/values.yaml.example" to "env/values.yaml"
- create a API Token and set in "env/values.yaml"
- edit the values in "env/values.yaml"
- Add for
a valid DNS-Entry (necessary for Certificate Requests)
ansible-playbook create-infrastructure.yaml
After creation is complete waiting 5 Minutes, because Hetzner install the "roles/tf-infrastructure/terraform/user-data/cloud-config.yaml" (Docker, Kubelet, Kubeadm, Kubectl, SSH Keys) The Playbook execute Terraform and apply the resources. The working directory is "roles/tf-infrastructure/terraform/"
ansible-playbook k8s-install.yaml -i env/inventory
Install Kubernetes, Master, Workers, Load Balancer.
ansible-playbook get-kubeconfig.yaml -i env/inventory
Test on your local machine if all works after few minutes:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
ansible-playbook destroy-infrastructure.yaml
The Playbook execute Terraform and destroy the resources (Delete Instances, Load Balancers, Networks). The working directory is "roles/tf-infrastructure/terraform/"
ansible-playbook k8s-scale.yaml -i env/inventory
The playbook will setup new nodes and join them already created cluster. You should run this, if you have changed workers amount bigger after creating cluster from env/values.yaml
- Create Infrastructure on Hetzner Cloud with Terraform (roles/tf-infrastructure/terraform/)
- Create 1 master
- Create up to 4 different workers (depends on config-types)
- Create a hetzner loadbalancer
- Prepare Kubernetes Tools and Configuration on all Servers
- Install Master-Node
- Join Worker-Nodes to Master
- Install NGINX Ingress & Cert-Manager (Let's Encrypt! with prod & staging certificate)
- Cleanup
- No network policy enabled (multi-tenancy is dangerous)
- No pod policy - privileged pods are allowed
- Instances/Cluster not secured by a VPC (also have public IPs)
Credits for Installation Manual:
Ansible and Terraform created by: