course labs for ai-programming, 23summer@pku
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Independently implement a simple CNN framework without using existing deep learning frameworks. Utilize CUDA, pybind11, and Python to achieve this.
- Cuda-based CNN: Implement the convolutional neural network using Cuda, including forward and backward processes.
- pybind11 Integration: Use pybind11 to create a Python callable .pyd file from the Cuda code.
- Python Integration: Develop automatic differentiation and optimizer in Python to optimize the loss function and classify the MNIST dataset.
Before making, key codes are that:
$ tree
├── build
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── src
├── global.h
├── Layer_kernels.h
├── Layer_kernels.inl
├── Layers.h
├── Layers.inl
├── Tensor.h
├── Tensor.inl
├── Tensor_kernels.h
└── Tensor_kernels.inl
You should run the below commands to actually run the project.
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# after that, you get files.
# you should now switch to a conda env that supports pytorch & torchvision
python # that would download MNIST dataset automatically
After making (with the help of pybind
folders), you should get:
$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── build
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── data
│ │ └── MNIST
│ │ └── ...
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── ...
├── pybind11
│ ├── ...
└── src
├── Layer_kernels.h
├── Layer_kernels.inl
├── Layers.h
├── Layers.inl
├── Tensor.h
├── Tensor.inl
├── Tensor_kernels.h
├── Tensor_kernels.inl
└── global.h
Codes in src/
folder does the jobs of defining myTensor
and myLayers
. After binding, they provide the apis that are used in CNN networks. They've been previously partially written in H01
, H02
and binded in H03
The python codes are divided in 4 files, the
. They are a re-written with base type myTensor
and base api myLayers
of files in H05
and H06
. That keeps the autodiff
ablity, while SGD
and Adam
optimizer have been inplemented.
In file
, the original class now be based on myTensor
. Check:
from myTensor import Tensor_Float as myTensor_f
from myTensor import Tensor_Int as myTensor_i
class Value:
op: Optional[Op]
inputs: List["Value"]
cached_data: myTensor_f # or myTensor_i
requires_grad: bool
class Tensor(Value):
grad: "Tensor"
# should know that the device be always 'GPU'
# and that dtype be merely only float32. dtype value unused
def __init__(
if isinstance(array, Tensor):
# copy initialize deom a tensor
# ...
elif isinstance(array, myTensor_f):
# initialize from myTensor_f
# ...
elif isinstance(array, myTensor_i):
# initialize from myTensor_f
# ...
# simply raise error from that
raise ValueError("error in Tensor init: from something wrong")
In file
a bunch of Ops have been inplemented based on the new_tensor. Note that we rewrite only those need in CNN later. Check:
# ops. The below is all you need.
class EWiseAdd(TensorOp):
# needed for __add__
# ...
class Negate(TensorOp):
# get negative. used to def __sub__
# ...
class MulScalar(TensorOp):
# multiply a scalar
# if need multiplying between Tensors, use FC(use_bias=False) instead
# used to def __mul__, and used in SGD and Adam
# ...
class Sqrt(TensorOp):
# sqrt of a Tensor, element-wise.
# used in Adam optimizer
# ...
class Relu(TensorOp):
# relu
# ...
class Sigmoid(TensorOp):
# sigmoid
# ...
class FC(TensorOp):
# fully-connected layers
# you can set use_bias to control if there need a bias in FC layers
# ...
class Conv(TensorOp):
# convolution
# ...
class Maxpool(TensorOp):
# maxpooling
# ...
class SftCrossEn(TensorOp):
# softmax & cross entropy
# ...
class Flat(TensorOp):
# hold the Tensor flat, just as torch.view(-1)
# ...
In file
the below have been integrated inside a python class
# Step 2: define the CNN
class SimpleCNN():
def __init__(self):
# CNN parameters initialized
self.weights = [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.fcw1, self.fcw2, self.fcb1, self.fcb2]
# initialize the weights, and upload them in the optimizers.
# ...
def forward(self, x, real_labels):
# forward method defined with TensorOps, which have been build upon myLayers
# that's what makes a CNN
x = maxpool(relu(conv(x, self.conv1)))
x = maxpool(relu(conv(x, self.conv2)))
x = flat(x)
x = fc(fc(x, self.fcw1, self.fcb1), self.fcw2, self.fcb2)
x = sftcrossen(x, real_labels)
return x
def SGD_epoch(self, X, y, lr=0.1, batch=100):
# SGD inplemented
# ...
# when you need autograd, just do the below:
tr_loss = self.forward(X_batch, y_batch)
# and then update
for i in range(len(self.weights)):
self.weights[i] = self.weights[i] - lr * self.weights[i].grad
def Adam_epoch(self, X, y, lr=0.1, batch=100, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8):
# Adam optimizer inplemented
# ...
def train_nn(self, X_tr, y_tr, X_te, y_te,
epochs=10, lr=0.5, batch=100,
beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, use_Adam=False):
# almost the same as that in H06
# ...
Just run python
to get training outputs.
Outputs be like:
| Epoch | Train Loss | Train Err | Test Loss | Test Err |
| 0 | 0.21041 | 0.06142 | 0.21971 | 0.06560 |
| 1 | 0.15278 | 0.04572 | 0.15449 | 0.04760 |
| 2 | 0.13318 | 0.04130 | 0.14078 | 0.04470 |
| 3 | 0.12296 | 0.03733 | 0.14549 | 0.04280 |
| 4 | 0.12083 | 0.03788 | 0.14580 | 0.04470 |
| 5 | 0.08939 | 0.02732 | 0.12120 | 0.03530 |
| 6 | 0.10000 | 0.03217 | 0.12495 | 0.03780 |
| 7 | 0.08524 | 0.02645 | 0.13268 | 0.03930 |
| 8 | 0.10154 | 0.03337 | 0.14009 | 0.03800 |
| 9 | 0.08216 | 0.02562 | 0.13534 | 0.03820 |
| 10 | 0.06083 | 0.01920 | 0.11416 | 0.03230 |
| 11 | 0.05998 | 0.01970 | 0.12281 | 0.03320 |
| 12 | 0.05689 | 0.01882 | 0.12236 | 0.03380 |
| 13 | 0.05597 | 0.01843 | 0.12001 | 0.03130 |
| 14 | 0.06200 | 0.02067 | 0.13465 | 0.03540 |
| 15 | 0.05232 | 0.01740 | 0.12048 | 0.03020 |
| 16 | 0.03867 | 0.01263 | 0.11686 | 0.02760 |
| 17 | 0.04098 | 0.01338 | 0.11175 | 0.02930 |
| 18 | 0.04558 | 0.01523 | 0.13921 | 0.03310 |
| 19 | 0.05883 | 0.01967 | 0.13714 | 0.03420 |
That result provides a typical result based on H06 structure, which proves that our strcture is able for CNN training and evaluating.
And the above is how the task is completed.