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YARD plugin for documenting Magnus-based Rust gems. Supports writing class documentation on Struct and Enums, and method documentation on Struct and Enum methods.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "yard-rustdoc"

Load the plugin through --plugin rustdoc (e.g. in your project's .yardopts). See test/samples/example-ext for full example.


  1. Write YARD-compatible documentation in Rust documentation block (/// or //!), and tag them with @yard.

  2. Generate Rustdoc as JSON:

      cargo +nightly rustdoc -p path/to/extension -- \
         -Zunstable-options --output-format json  \

    nightly is required because the JSON format isn't stable yet.
    --document-private-items is included so that you don't have to make everything in the crate public.

  3. Run YARD on Ruby files and the Rustdoc's JSON:

    yard lib path/to/rustdoc.json

Writing documentation

YARD::Rustdoc only targets docblocks starting with @yard so that you can still write Rust-style docblocks for non-Ruby parts of your crate.


The class name will be extracted from Magnus' class =.

/// @yard
/// High-level documentation for Foo::Bar.
#[magnus(class = "Foo::Bar")]
pub struct Bar { }

The @rename tag renames the class to Foo::Baz.

/// @yard
/// @rename Foo::Baz
pub struct InnerName { }

Defines -- class method because the first argument isn't self.

impl Bar {
    /// @yard
    /// @return [Foo::Bar]
    fn new() -> Self {}

Defines Foo::Bar#baz and #qux -- instance method because the method's first argument is either &self or rb_self.

impl Bar {
    /// @yard
    fn baz(&self) {}

    /// @yard
    fn qux(rb_self: Value) {}

Specifies the method's name and params with @def. This lets YARD know which params are required, optional, keyword arguments, etc.

@def must be a single, valid ruby method definition, without the end.

impl Bar {
    /// @yard
    /// @def qux=(val = "")
    /// @param val [Object]
    fn write_qux(&self, val: Value) {}

This will be ignored as it's not tagged with @yard.

impl Bar {
    fn secret {}


YARD's syntax differs from what Rustdoc expects. Linters you might want to disable:



Run tests with rake. The tests use a sample project located in test/samples/example-ext. To regenerate its json doc, run rake doc:rustdoc from that directory. See the test project's Rakefile for details.


YARD plugin for documenting Magnus-based Rust gems







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