- New York
- Pro
Stock Market Data Visualization Using Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 3, 2024 -
News-data-ETL-Pipeline Public
Build News data ETL Pipeline with python and sqlite
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 29, 2024 -
aws-codepipeline-lab-repo Public
Forked from CourseMaterial/aws-codepipeline-lab-repoCloud lab resources for the " Working with AWS CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline" lab on Educative.
Shell UpdatedMay 31, 2024 -
Django-Order-Processing Public
Django Order Processing with REST API, CRUD ops and Paypal integrtion
UpdatedMay 15, 2024 -
numpy Public
Forked from numpy/numpyThe fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 22, 2023 -
Sign-Language-Trainer Public
CS6643- Computer Vision Spring 2020 Final project
introml Public
Forked from sdrangan/intromlPython tutorials for introduction to machine learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 15, 2020 -
Smart-Door Public
Cloud Assignment 2
Dining-Conceirge Public
A serverless, microservice-driven web application. A Dining Concierge chatbot, that sends you restaurant suggestions given a set of preferences that you provide the chatbot with through conversation.
Python UpdatedJul 23, 2020 -
Voice-Based-Photo-Album Public
Cloud Assignment 3
SentimentAnalysis-IMDb Public
Built a logistic regression model to classify movie reviews as either positive or negative.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 21, 2020 -
python-machine-learning-book-3rd-edition Public
Forked from rasbt/python-machine-learning-book-3rd-editionThe "Python Machine Learning (3rd edition)" book code repository
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
EL-GY 6123: Solution to Labs: Introduction to Machine Learning ( NYU Graduate)