The following project implements a web application using Django REST framework (backend) and React (frontend) of a classic board game for a subset of rules.
For an introduction to the game it is recommended to read its basic rules in principle and then its detailed rules.
- node ^ 12.13.0
- npm ^ 6.12.0
To install them (in linux) do the following:
In the directory $HOME
run wget -qO- | bash
. This instals nvm
, NodeJS's version control.
2. If the previus command was correct, then run . .bashrc
. If there was an error, go to the page [página] nvm.
3. The command nvm --version
should now return the version, in this case 0.35.1
4. Finally, to install node
and npm
, run nvm install 12.13
. Now, it is possible run node -v
andnpm -v
, and we should the current versions (in this case, v12.13.0
y 6.12.0
, respectively)
To install in other operating systems refer to the page mentioned above.
- python ^ 3.7+
- pip
Download the repository with:
git clone
First install the dependencies for the backend, so go to the create and run the virtualenv:
$ cd CattanSettlers/
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then install all the dependecies for the frontend:
$ npm install
It is important not to run npm update
, at least for the moment, since react-scripts
does not support new versions of webpack.
To run the server:
$ python makemigrations catan
$ python migrate
$ python runserver
The virtual environment must be activate.
For the frontend, run:
npm start
After the application completes its loading go to the browser at the following path: http: // localhost: 3000
Inside the frontend directory, we must run:
$ npm run coverage
To run the tests inside the backend, with the virtual environment activated and with migrations applied (makemigrations catan and migrate), do:
pytest --cov=catan --cov-report term-missing
We follow the code style airbnb javascript. To run the style violation test:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint yourfile.js
The python code follows the PEP-8 convetions. You can test it with pycodestyle