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Project Chameleon is a collection of Python scripts written to assist in data processing primarily for material science research. The scripts contain funtions that help convert, parse, and query different file formats that are commmonly found in material science research. This repository includes all scripts that are a part of Project Chameleon, an API that calls all functions in Project Chameleon, and a Dockerfile that installs and runs Project Chameleon and it's API.

Working functions held in the repository:

  • 4D STEM: documented and converted to series of 2D slices
  • NON 4D STEM: Data graphed and converted to png
  • XRD: Bruker RAW/UXD to CSV
  • RHEED: 16 bpp .img images to TIF/PNG
  • MBE: Data sorted and graphed
  • PPMS/MPMS: Relevant lines extracted and saved
  • ARPES: Extracts data from pxt files
  • HS2 Files: 16bpp .hs2 images to PNG

Functions still in progress

  • EBSD
  • Bruker BRML

Description of individual working functions


To run the function stemarray4d in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a 4D STEM array .raw file, which is a 4D array.
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output folder(ex. /root/folder/outputname). The output folder holds 128 2D slices of the 4D array as well as the mean and the max of the set.
  • This command uses the py4DSTEM library


To run the function non4dstem in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a file containing a single non-4D STEM image (.dm4, .ser, .emd).
  • [inputfolder] is a string or a path to a folder containing non-4D STEM images (.dm4, .ser, .emd).
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/outputname.png). The output file is a .png images for the input image.
  • [outputfolder] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output folder(ex. /root/folder/outputname). The output folder holds .png images for each of the input images.
  • This function can only handle a specific combination of inputs: There may not be two input or two output variables. [inputfile] can have either output variable, [inputfolder] may only be combined with [outputfolder]
  • This command uses the hyperspy library


There are two functions for Bruker RAW files: brukerrawconverter and brukerrawbackground

To run the function brukerrawconverter in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a XRD Bruker file (.raw, .uxd) file.
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/filename). The output file holds the metadata and data from the input file. Output file is just a regular text file
  • This command uses the xylib library

To run the function brukerrawbackground in the command line, run:



  • [background_input] is a string or a path to either a .csv file or a .raw file containing the background of the sample.
  • [sample_input] is a string or a path to either a .csv file or a .raw file containing the sample data.
  • [output_name] is a string which will be the beginning of the name of all the output files. This name will also be the name of the folder containing all the outputs.
  • This file outputs a folder containing four things: A plot of the raw data, a plot of the background adjusted data, a plot of the background subtracted data, and a .csv of the background subtracted data.
  • This command uses the brukerrawconverter command


To run the function rheedconverter in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a 16bpp rheed image file (.img).
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/filename). The output file is a 8bpp .png file.


To run the function mbeparser in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a folder holding text file outputs from MBE measurements.
  • There is no output file or folder. All textfiles are sorted within the given folder and all outputs are saved within that folder.


To run the function ppmsmpmsparser in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a ppms/mpms .dat file.
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/filename). The output file is a .txt file that holds relevant data columns from the input file. The "relevant" columns are chosen by user input.


To run the function arpes_folder_workbook in the command line, run:



  • [inputfolder] is a string or a path to a folder containing .pxt files.
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/filename). The output file is a .xlsx file that contains specific relevant data from the the .pxt files contained in the folder.


To run the function hs2converter in the command line, run:



  • [inputfile] is a string or a path to a .hs2 file.
  • [outputfile] is a string or a path including a name which is the name of the output file(ex. /root/folder/filename). The output file is a .png file.

Dependencies Install Instructions

Full listed of dependencies used by Project Chameleon

  • matplolib.pyplot
  • numpy
  • hyperspy (Further information can be found here)
  • py4dstem (Further information can be found here)
  • xylib (install directions can be found here) If further instructions are needed for the xylib install, reference the file "xylib_Install_Instructions_Windows" for a second set of instructions of how to download xylib on a windows machine, or reference the file "xylib_Install_Instructions_MacOS" for a second set of instructions of how to download xylib on a MacOS machine.

Package Install Instructions

This package is managed using Poetry, which you should install globaly on your system. Once you have Poetry installed you can install this package and its dependencies in any environment of your choice

Install Poetry with pipx

The easiest way to install Poetry is with pipx. If you do not already have pipx installed you can find the instructions here. Once pipx has been installed, restart your shell/terminal window. After Poetry has been installed, you can install poetry with:

$ pipx install poetry

pipx should be installed on the base system, so make sure to deactivate any environments before running the command above.

Install the Package and its Dependencies

The example below assumes a conda environment but any other virtual environment manager should work as well.

First, create a new conda environment:

$ conda create -n project_chameleon python -y 
$ conda activate project_chameleon

Navigate to this repositories directory and install the project_chameleon package with its dependencies:

$ cd project_chameleon
$ poetry install

It is also possible to skip the create and activate step, and poetry will automatically create one when you run poetry install as seen above.

API for Project Chameleon

This API provides a convenient and reasonably secure way to call any Project Chameleon functions on files from a local directory, base64 encoded files, or urls of files, that can be output to a local directory as well as returned as base64 enconded bytes, or a json containing base64 encoded bytes. It's built using FastAPI and supports secure validation of inputs.

Running the API

  • Save the provided code in a Python file (e.g.,
  • Run the API using uvicorn:
uvicorn api:app --host --port 5020 --reload


The Project Chameleon API has built in security. This security is written for the Johns Hopkins system that it has been developed to run on, but could easily be adjusted to work for other systems. Each API call must include an access token, access-token, which can be generated at the PARADIM website. Tokens only last two minutes, so new tokens must be generated frequently.


  • Validates if provided source is a valid file type for the selected endpoint.
  • Operates on selected files and saves or returns them in the select output type.
  • Returns a success message if the files are operated on successfully.
  • Raises HTTPException for error handling.


  • FastAPI
  • uvicorn
  • os
  • urllib.parse
  • shutil
  • base64
  • tempfile
  • requests
  • urllib.request
  • zipfile
  • json


POST /rheedconverter

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the file_name and output_file parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • file_name can be used interchangeably with file_bytes or file_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST -H \
"Content-Type: application/json" -H \
"access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"file_name":/app/tests/data/image1.img","output_file": "urltest_out.png"}'

POST /brukerrawbackground

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the background_file_name, sample_file_name, and output_file parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • background_file_name can be used interchangeably with background_file_bytes or background_file_url
  • sample_file_name can be used interchangeably with sample_file_bytes or sample_file_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • This function can take sample and background files as either .raw files or .csv files. This can be designated by background_input_type and sample_input_type with options raw and csv. The function defaults to .raw inputs.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"background_file_name":"/app/tests/data/background_test.csv","sample_file_name":"/app/tests/data/sample_test.csv""background_input_type":".csv","sample_input_type":".csv"}'

POST /brukerrawconverter

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the file_name and output_file parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • file_name can be used interchangeably with file_bytes or file_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • This function can take both .raw and .uxd file types. This can be designated by file_input_type with options raw and uxd.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"file_name":"/app/tests/data/test.raw","output_file":"brukerraw_out.txt","output_type":"JSON"}'

POST /mbeparser

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the folder_name parameter must be provided in the request body.
  • folder_name can be used interchangeably with folder_bytes or folder_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"folder_name":"/app/tests/data/mbe_example"}'

POST /non4dstem

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the folder_name and output_folder parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • folder_name can be used interchangeably with folder_bytes or folder_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"folder_name":"/app/tests/data/non4dstem_test","output_folder":"non4dstem_test_out"}'

POST /ppmsmpms

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the file_name and output_file parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • file_name can be used interchangeably with file_bytes or file_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: XXXXXX" \
-d '{"file_name":"/app/tests/data/Magnetic.dat","output_file": "test_out.txt","output_type":"JSON"}'

POST /stemarray4d

  • By default, this endpoint takes files from a source directory and outputs them to a local path.
  • JSON data with the file_name and output_file parameters must be provided in the request body.
  • file_name can be used interchangeably with file_bytes or file_url
  • Adding output_type allows for output to be either base64 encoded bytes or JSON. Options are raw which corresponds to bytes or JSON which corresponds to JSON.
  • Example usage:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "access-token: vx8AePwF1dYj0eqZXiwxCQnef9nHukx2WDXana0De5g" \
-d '{"file_url":"/app/tests/data/stemarray4d_test.raw","output_file":"stem4d_raw"}'

This project was developed as part of the NSF platform, PARADIM (NSF award 2039380, the PARADIM MIP, and NSF award 2129051, the VariMat Cyberinfrastructure Pilot).



Repository for Project Chameleon conversion scripts







No packages published

Contributors 3
