Simple bootsplash manager for Manjaro
- show all installed themes
- remove theme (if it was installed from package manager)
- install themes from repos or AUR
- Check if bootsplash is enabled and supported by current kernel:
bootsplash-manager --status
- List installed themes
bootsplash-manager --list
- Enable bootsplash and change current theme
bootsplash-manager --set <theme_name>
- Disable bootsplash ( black screen )
bootsplash-manager --disable
- Disable bootsplash ( log )
bootsplash-manager --set-log
Make sure you have installed bootsplash-systemd
. It's available in the official extra repo for Manjaro, for Arch - in AUR.
Make sure your current kernel supports bootsplash:
zgrep CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH /proc/config.gz
in the output - it does.
If it's not:
- on Manjaro use official one
pacman -S linux-latest
- on Arch you can build one of custom kernels from AUR:
AUR packages bootsplash-manager-bin
, bootsplash-manager-git
Manjaro community repo: bootsplash manager
- Search for some themes:
pacman -Ss bootsplash-theme-
- Install the ones you like
pacman -S bootsplash-theme-<theme_name> bootsplash-theme-<theme_name2> ...
- Set theme
bootsplash-manager -s <theme_name>
git clone
cd bootsplash-manager
cmake .
- gui
- install/remove dialog
- theme preview
- translations
You can help with localization by using Qt Linguist. To add a new language, copy data/translations/bootsplash-manager.ts
to data/translations/bootsplash-manager_<ISO 639-1 language code>_<ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 language code>.ts
, translate it, then add the file to the TS_FILES variable in CMakeLists.txt, and create a pull request. It is also possible to add localized Comment into data/bootsplash-manager.desktop