I'm Parsa. UW Informatics '23, Georgia Tech CS '25.
I love building things & leveraging tech to generate value
. This means building web apps, workflows, scripts, systems, processes... whatever. My hackiest and in my opinion most interesting projects are private ;)
I hyper focus on finding the 20% of effort
that generates 80% of the results
. Pareto's Principle. also a believer in Parkinson's law, "that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion". as such, I give myself unreasonable deadlines, for unreasonable outcomes, and have gotten pretty decent at achieving them as times passed. I call this, "naive optimism", while others call it "procrastination"...
I am currently Head of Developer Relations at Moondream, working on making vision language models accessible to everyone.
Learn more about me here :)