Hello, I wish you read my words carefully and get the useful inspiration.
Life is like what you like. I like thinking and leveraging something, especially organizing. My favor basic subjects are logic, mathmatics and psychology. But It doesn't fit for me thoughts only without practical results, further software technologies and its growing future caught my attention. Now, I have experience over 10 years in software technologies through idea, design, develop, deploy and maintain, brought small and large projects such as content services, fintech, apkstore, bookstore, ecommerce, game applications ... based on multiple platforms including embed systems. First, I honed various programming languages including assembly, C, C++, Micro C, Java, Kotlin, C#, HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, SQL, VB Script, Python, Type Script, Ruby, Swift, Go, Solidity ... and I've been tried to grab their pros and cons, general and specific. These programming languages create software. Next, I enjoy to implement favorite data structure and algorithm, while prefer to use several design patterns like MVC, OOP, MVVM, Factory, Singleton, observer ... and prefer to customize and organize it. using them I make libraries and frameworks. Also next for building various applications quickly, effectively, I used libraries and frameworks such as mfc, java ee, laravel, codeigniter, react, angular, android, react native, django, unity, fast api, flutter, ruby on rails ..., tried to see in their architecture. And next, frameworks make platforms and operating systems, I've experienced several platforms such as MS-DOS, Windows, Ubuntu, Mac OS, Android, iOS and tried to optimize them. And also next, frameworks and os make services. there is so many big, small services and I've experienced them such as AWS, Google Maps, Google Cloud Service, Microsoft Azure. Next, services make many helpful applications for society and people, for example architecture, financial, sports, education, health, play games ..., I liked to use them including games,too but I more enjoy to develop them. So I have to use applications for applications like Jetbrain IDE series. Finally software is growing, I follow new technologies such as AI/ML, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data Service, IoT, AR/VR and especially expect about future Biotech and Robotics. Future technology era is soon their era and human progress is no limit. Above, it's my work overview for me and work is not alone well. I've experienced Agile methodologies and DevOps. My workflow is based on Waterfall, sometimes Hollywood principles. My business style is "No job is too big or small" and I'd like to use influence rather than authority. My work career is based on step by step, like Application developer, Frontend developer, Backend developer, Software Engineer My dream is growing and together.
Thank you for reading my words to the end, bluesky together