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Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka of Sri Lanka and its Sinhala translation. Also the cst pali atuwa and its sinhala translation


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Repository files navigation - Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka and Atuwa

This webapp is built with Vue and Vuetify. It is designed to run in either

Github pages explaining the proofreading process

Run Production Website

  • npm run build and deploy dist directory to webserver
  • export NODE_SERVER_MODE=production and run PM2 as below
  • use PM2 to run server/server.js as tipitaka-lk-server on the webserver
  • use nginx proxy_pass directive to pass requests from to localhost:8400

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

node server/server.js
npm run serve

Update Prod Website when text changes

  • copy the changed text files in the dist dir to prod server
  • run fts-populate.js and copy the fts.db to server
  • PM2 restart the tipitaka-lk-server to use the new db file

For Android App

  • Uncomment the public path in vue.config.js and build
  • Place the built files in app/src/main/assets directory in an Android webview app
  • Place the sqlite db files from the server folder (dict.db and fts.db) in the dbassets/src/main/assets

For Desktop App

  • Follow the instructions on server/server.js to build a binary using pkg.
  • Make a zip file containing the above binary, node_sqlite3.node, dist and server folders
  • The above steps are now included in the dev/create-releases.ps1 PowerShell script (just run it)

Please check the LICENSE file if you wish to extract any content from the website for redistribution.


Buddha Jayanthi Tripitaka of Sri Lanka and its Sinhala translation. Also the cst pali atuwa and its sinhala translation







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