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-medfilt1m.m: adding
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git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 52fe0c90-79fe-0310-8a18-a0b98ad248f8
pdollar committed Aug 19, 2009
1 parent d67aaf6 commit 523645e
Showing 4 changed files with 85 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions external/history.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Version NEW
-generalized seqIo.m>to/frimgs
-generalized bbApply>random
-seqIo.m: added case for making seq file from array of images
-moved modefilt1.m form /image to /filters
-added filters/medfilt1m.m: adaptive median filtering with missing values

Version 2.31 (03-Jun-09)
-tweaked images/imrectLite.m
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions filters/Contents.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,3 +17,7 @@
% FbMake - Various 1D/2D/3D filterbanks (hardcoded).
% FbReconstruct2d - Use to see how much image information is preserved in filter outputs.
% FbVisualize - Used to visualize a series of 1D/2D/3D filters.
% Simple nonlinear filters:
% medfilt1m - One-dimensional adaptive median filtering with missing values.
% modefilt1 - One-dimensional mode filtering.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions filters/medfilt1m.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
function y = medfilt1m( x, r, z )
% One-dimensional adaptive median filtering with missing values.
% Applies a width s=2*r+1 one-dimensional median filter to vector x, which
% may contain missing values (elements equal to z). If x contains no
% missing values, y(j) is set to the median of x(j-r:j+r). If x contains
% missing values, y(j) is set to the median of x(j-R:j+R), where R is the
% smallest radius such that sum(valid(x(j-R:j+R)))>=s, i.e. the number of
% valid values in the window is at least s (a value x is valid x~=z). Note
% that the radius R is adaptive and can vary as a function of j.
% This function uses a modified version of medfilt1.m from Matlab's 'Signal
% Processing Toolbox'. Note that if x contains no missing values,
% medfilt1m(x) and medfilt1(x) are identical execpt at boundary regions.
% y = medfilt1m( x, r, [z] )
% x - [nx1] length n vector with possible missing entries
% r - filter radius
% z - [NaN] element that represents missing entries
% y - [nx1] filtered vector x
% x=repmat((1:4)',1,5)'; x=x(:)'; x0=x;
% n=length(x); x(rand(n,1)>.8)=NaN;
% y = medfilt1m(x,2); [x0; x; y; x0-y]
% Piotr's Image&Video Toolbox Version NEW
% Copyright 2008 Piotr Dollar. []
% Please email me if you find bugs, or have suggestions or questions!
% Licensed under the Lesser GPL [see external/lgpl.txt]

% apply medfilt1 (standard median filter) to valid locations in x
if(nargin<3 || isempty(z)), z=NaN; end; x=x(:)'; n=length(x);
if(isnan(z)), valid=~isnan(x); else valid=x~=z; end; v=sum(valid);
if(v==0), y=repmat(z,1,n); return; end
if(v<2*r+1), y=repmat(median(x(valid)),1,n); return; end

% get radius R needed at each location j to span s=2r+1 valid values
% get start (a) and end (b) locations and map back to location in y
C=[0 cumsum(valid)]; s=2*r+1; R=find(C==s); R=R(1)-2; pos=zeros(1,n);
for j=1:n, R0=R;
R=R0-1; a=max(1,j-R); b=min(n,j+R);
if(C(b+1)-C(a)<s), R=R0; a=max(1,j-R); b=min(n,j+R);
if(C(b+1)-C(a)<s), R=R0+1; a=max(1,j-R); b=min(n,j+R); end


function y = medfilt1( x, s )
% standard median filter (copied from medfilt1.m)
n=length(x); r=floor(s/2); indr=(0:s-1)'; indc=1:n;
x0=x(ones(r,1))*0; X=[x0'; x'; x0'];
X=reshape(X(ind),s,n); y=median(X,1);

% function y = medfilt1( x, s )
% % standard median filter (slow)
% % get unique values in x
% [vals,disc,inds]=unique(x); m=length(vals); n=length(x);
% if(m>256), warning('x takes on large number of diff vals'); end %#ok<WNTAG>
% % create quantized representation [H(i,j)==1 iff x(j)==vals(i)]
% H=zeros(m,n); H(sub2ind2([m,n],[inds; 1:n]'))=1;
% % create histogram [H(i,j) is count of x(j-r:j+r)==vals(i)]
% H=localSum(H,[0 s],'same');
% % compute median for each j and map inds back to original vals
% [disc,inds]=max(cumsum(H,1)>s/2,[],1); y=vals(inds);
% end
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion images/Contents.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -66,4 +66,3 @@
% maskEllipse - Creates a binary image of an ellipse.
% maskGaussians - Divides a volume into softly overlapping gaussian windows.
% maskSphere - Creates an 'image' of a n-dimensional hypersphere.
% modefilt1 - One-dimensional mode filtering.

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