- It includes some datasets about Taiwan COVID-19 data.
- It's for another site about data mirror.
- Letting these CSV datasets have JSON data format available.
- It will update all current datasets every five minutes.
- These CSV and JSON files will be uploaded to the PCloud drive folder.
- These datasets may delay and be different from original dataset URL.
The mirrored dataset links are as follows:
- 健保特約機構防疫家用快篩剩餘數量明細
- Fstdata.csv
- Fstdata.json
- 全國COVID-19指定社區採檢院所清單
- 指定採檢醫院清單.csv
- 指定採檢醫院清單.json
- 全國COVID-19指定社區採檢院所清單(英文版)
- 指定採檢醫院清單(英文版).csv
- 指定採檢醫院清單(英文版).json
- 配合辦理發放公費COVID-19家用快篩試劑社區定點診所名單
- covid19_free_rapid_antigen_test_clinics.csv
- covid19_free_rapid_antigen_test_clinics.json
- 地區年齡性別統計表-嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎-依個案研判日統計
- Day_Confirmation_Age_County_Gender_19CoV.csv
- Day_Confirmation_Age_County_Gender_19CoV.json
- COVID-19各國家地區累積病例數與死亡數
- covid19_global_cases_and_deaths.csv
- covid19_global_cases_and_deaths.json
- 台灣COVID-19冠狀病毒檢測每日送驗數
- covid19_tw_specimen.csv
- covid19_tw_specimen.json
- 109-111年傳染病指定隔離醫院及應變醫院名單
- the-list-of-communicable-disease-isolation-hospitals-and-responding-hospitals-2020-2022.csv
- the-list-of-communicable-disease-isolation-hospitals-and-responding-hospitals-2020-2022.json