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MERN Stack Kanban Board

A full-stack Kanban board application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) to manage tasks and workflows efficiently. This project implements both frontend and backend services, featuring authentication, task management, and drag-and-drop functionality.

πŸŽ₯ Preview

Check out the preview of the application:


πŸ—‚οΈ File Structure

The project is organized into four main directories: frontend, backend,infrastructure, and scripts.

Backend (/backend)

The backend is a Node.js application using Express to manage API routes and services.

Key Files

  • Dockerfile for development environment setup.
  • src/: Main source directory:
    • app.ts: Configures the Express application, adding middleware and routes.
    • config/: Contains configuration files (e.g., database connections).
    • controllers/: Handles API requests and responses.
    • middleware/: Middleware for authentication and other tasks.
    • models/: Mongoose schemas and models.
    • routes/: Defines API routes and maps them to controllers.
    • services/: Business logic and reusable functionalities.
    • utils/: Utility functions and helpers.
  • tests/: Unit and integration tests for the backend (for now, there just tests related to authentification).

Frontend (/frontend)

The frontend is a React application built with TypeScript and styled using Material-UI. It includes Redux for both local and server states management and utilizes hooks for reusability.

Key Files

  • Dockerfile for development environment setup.
  • src/: Main source directory:
    • assets/: Static files such as images and fonts.
    • components/: Reusable React components.
    • context/: React Contexts for global state management.
    • hooks/: Custom hooks for reusable logic.
    • pages/: Page components for different routes.
    • services/: API services and utility functions.
    • redux/: Manages application state with Redux Toolkit.
    • types/: Includes TypeScript type definitions.
    • utils/: Helper functions.

Infrastructure (/infrastructure)

The infrastructure folder contains configuration and deployment files.

Key Files

  • docker/: Docker-related configuration files.
  • nginx/: Nginx configuration files for serving the application.
  • tls/: TLS/SSL certificates for secure connections.

Scripts (/scripts)

The scripts folder contains automation scripts for various tasks.

Key Files

  • linux/: Scripts for Linux systems.
  • win/: Scripts for Windows systems.

πŸš€ Features

  • Task Management: Add, edit, and delete tasks in different sections.
  • Drag and Drop: Seamlessly move tasks across sections using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and token-based authentication, including support for Google Authentication.
  • Responsive Design: TO DO
  • Persistent Sessions: Utilize refresh tokens to maintain user sessions securely.
  • Environment-Specific Builds: Separate environments for development, testing, and production using Docker and environment variables.

πŸ› οΈ Technologies Used


  • React (with TypeScript): Component-based UI development.
  • Redux Toolkit: State management
  • RTK Query: Data fetching and caching
  • Material-UI: Component styling
  • dnd-kit: Drag-and-drop functionality
  • React Hook Form: Form handling and validation
  • Zod: Schema-based validation
  • Vite: Development server and build tool
  • Axios: Simplified HTTP requests and API handling.


  • Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
  • Express.js: Minimal and flexible web application framework.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for scalable data storage.
  • Mongoose: ODM library for MongoDB, managing data models and schemas.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Secure token-based authentication.
  • Google Auth Library: OAuth 2.0 implementation for secure Google Authentication.
  • Zod: Schema-based validation for request data
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework for unit and integration tests.
  • Supertest: HTTP assertions for API testing.

Infrastructure & DevOps

  • Docker: Containerization for consistent development and deployment environments.
  • Nginx: Reverse proxy and load balancing.
  • GitHub Actions: Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD).
  • TLS/SSL: Secure communication using certificates.

🌐 Network Flow Diagram

This diagram illustrates the network flow for the application, showing how HTTP/HTTPS requests are routed between components. Network Flow Diagram


  1. HTTP/HTTPS Requests:
    • All HTTP requests sent to port 80 are redirected to HTTPS on port 443.
    • HTTPS requests on port 443 are handled by NGINX.
  2. Frontend:
    • NGINX routes requests for the React application to the frontend container (kanban_frontend) on port 5173.
  3. Backend:
    • API requests (/api/*) are proxied by NGINX to the backend container (kanban_backend) on port 3000.
  4. Database:
    • The backend interacts with the MongoDB database (kanban_database) on port 27017 for data storage and retrieval.

πŸ“ Development Guide


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js (JavaScript runtime)
  • Docker (for containerized development)
  • MongoDB (local or use a cloud service like MongoDB Atlas)
  • npm or yarn (for dependency management)
  • Git (for version control)

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd kanban-board

Follow these steps to set up and run the project in your local development environment.

1. Run Separately with npm run dev

Backend Setup

  1. Navigate to the backend folder: cd backend

  2. Install dependencies: npm install

  3. Set up the environment variables:

    • Create a .env file in the backend directory.

    • Add the following variables:

  4. Start the development server: npm run dev

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend folder: cd frontend

  2. Install dependencies: npm install

  3. Set up the environment variables:

    • Create a .env.developement file in the frontend directory.

    • Add the following variables:

  4. Start the development server: npm run dev

2. Run Using Scripts

This approach simplifies development using Docker and automated scripts for setup and teardown.


  1. Navigate to the scripts/win directory: cd scripts/win

  2. Generate TLS/SSL certificates: ./

  3. Start the development environment: ./ run

  4. To stop and clean up resources:

   ./ stop  
   ./ clean


  1. Navigate to the scripts/linux directory: cd scripts/linux

  2. Generate TLS/SSL certificates: bash

  3. Start the development environment: bash run

  4. To stop and clean up resources:

   bash stop  
   bash clean

πŸ‘€ Author


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